• Chapter 19 •

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Fucking love this song? Y e s.
Enjoy this chapter y'all.

It's been a while since my soreness has been gone, thank the lords, and I'm currently trying to sprint home.

But home, is a half an hour walk away, and I'm sprinting.

Why? Because it's pouring like a bitch and I'm soaked all the way down to my underwear.

"Fuck weather! I wore shorts and a light shirt today! HOW IS IT SUNNY AND THEN TWO SECONDS LATER ITS RAINING LITTLE WET SHITS FROM THE SKY?" I yelled to no one, since everyone was smart enough to stay inside or bring an umbrella with them.


I finally got home and I fell down into a puddle in front of our house, not purposely, but I was just so done with life.

After a minute or so I pulled myself up, sopping wet from my head to my toes, I took my shoes off before going in.

I opened the door and felt all eyes on me as I started to shiver.

"I-it's a little rainy this morning." I said, closing the door behind me.

"Guys! Was that M/N? It's pouring outside did anyone send him off with a jacket-" Jin stopped mid sentence, walking in and seeing my state.

He started yelling at the boys to go get towels, which they had already started to do, and he rubbed his hands up and down my arms.

"Oh my god you're freezing! Once they come back I'll go get you a change of clothes."

I nodded at him, my teeth clanking together, I clenched my jaw but that seemed to send the shivers down to my body instead.

They all came back in a hurry, I don't think I needed that many towels but I wasn't complaining.

Tae came over and draped the towel over my head and began to ruffle my hair dry, Jin left to get clothes, Kookie wrapped a nice fluffy towel around my upper body while everyone else worked on the rest.

"Kitten I'm sorry we forgot to give you a jacket." Jungkook said.

"I-I should have checked the weather it's okay." I replied, snuggling into whatever warmth I had.


After I was dried off and Jin got me other clothes.

His clothes to be specific.

I sat on the couch in his oversized but oddly comfortable clothes.

Jin put some warm tea in front of me and I gladly took it.

"Thank you Jinnie. Love yoouuu~" I cooed as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek.

"You're very welcome princess." He smiled, rubbing his cheek against mine as I giggled.

"Yah Jin stop hogging my kitten!" Kookie came in, grabbing me and pulling me roughly to his chest, thank god I put my tea down.

"Kookie he isn't yours! Sharing is caring!" Jimin objected as he tried to grab my hand.

"WELL I DON'T CARE!" Jungkook screamed as he pulled me away before Jimin could grab me.

"Ack!" I let out a struggled cry for help, confusion filling my head.

I felt all the weight come off of me at once and it was replaced with someone hugging me.

"T-Tae?!" I looked behind me to see that Tae managed to pick me up out of Kookie's grip.

My face held an 'Are you kidding me right now?' Look as I was thrown over Tae's shoulder.

The ride was anything but fun as I was taken by Tae and saw 5 other members chasing after us, excluding Yoongi because he claimed that joining in would ruin his intellect.

Tae made it upstairs to his room that he shared with Kookie. He closed the door and locked it.

"Tae time!" He happily said, gently tossing me onto his bed.

(Haha sounds like Tea time)

Tae took off his shirt and my face instantly became heated.

I repeated the words 'don't stare' over and over in my head as I continued to stare at his back muscles.

Holy shit I'm way too gay for this. I thought to myself as I buried my face in Tae's pillow.

"Why are you hiding from me baby?" He teasingly asked as he climbed on top of me.

"Tae this position is sinful." My words were muffled as my face was in the pillow.

"Awww you don't want to have any Tae time?"

"Tae time doesn't have to involve anything of yours up my ass!" I screeched out of embarrassment.

There was lots of banging on the door I hadn't noticed until now, but it stopped abruptly.

I payed no attention to it because I felt a heavy weight come down on me and hot breath on my ear.

"You're a perv!" I yelled, kicking my legs a bit.

"But you love it." He said lowly, and it sent a few shivers down my spine.

"Never said I didn't." I mumbled, turning my head to look at Tae.

I turned onto my back, looking him in the eye and he leaned down and connected our lips.

He held my hands down, totally not enjoying this.

What I really didn't enjoy was his knee rubbing the spot in between my thighs.

Totally wanted him to stop! Psh!


I didn't want him to stop.

I groaned into the kisses as his rubbing continued, but it was cut short as the door busted open revealing 6 steaming, literally and figuratively, boys.

I blushed harshly, Tae didn't stop, I tried to close my legs before any more damage could be done.

"A-Ah, Tae..!" I protested, his damn leg wouldn't stop.

"YOU ARE TAINTING MY PRECIOUS KITTEN!" Kookie yelled while clobbering Tae off of the bed onto the floor.

I was left in shock, with bright red cheeks, as the others also went over and piled on top of Tae.

I could help but laugh hysterically, I mean, poor Tae.

But it was funny.

The only one who didn't join in was Namjoon, as he discreetly walked over and pointed to his back.

I jumped on and pointed forward.

"Go!" I command, whispering.

We were off, I held on for dear life, but since it was Namjoon and I we knocked over a glass vase that held flowers and Namjoon stopped in his tracks.

"JOONIE I SWEAR TO GOD." Jin yelled as we heard what sounded like a stampede coming towards us.

We kind of just maneuvered around the broken glass and ran into the living room.

But before we made it there, a hand gripped my shirt and pulled me right off of Joonie's back.

And it went on and on, I got stuck with every single person!


Until we all decided to snuggle together on the couch.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Kind of fluffy, to be honest I'm kind of not sure where to go with this, but I'll try and think of a decent ending!
Till next chapter!

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