• Chapter 18 •

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Wattpad decided that it would delete my whole story!
So here I am, again.
P.S. Taehyungs voice in this has me weak in the knees I'm-

Sore was the only feeling described in less than two words.

I sat up, the only one in bed.


Yoongi P.O.V
"Well, looks like you three are in trouble, honestly guys..." he sighed before smirking at the three younger boys looking worried.

"You gotta be gentle the first time~" he said before walking out, a plate of food in his hand. Leaving the three confused.

"It was his first time?!"


"We're gonna get a beating from Jin Eomma if it's bad!"

I got up out of bed, and determinedly waddled over to the door, as I was about to open it.

"Ah! Yoongi-ah!" I yelled, frightened for a second, how the hell did he sneak up here?

"Jagiya you should be in bed, you're too sore to be up and about." He said, putting an arm around me and leading me back to bed.

"You know, death might feel better than this-"

"Hush and eat, I'll get you some aspirin." Yoongi said setting the plate of food he carried up into my lap and then hurriedly leaving.

"Wah...for one who doesn't show emotions he sure sucks at trying to hide them!" I happily giggled to myself.

When Yoongi came back he had a glass of water in hand and two small pills.

"Here. Take these so you don't complain so much."

"Ah! I'm so touched by these actions! And these caring words that just come right out of your mouth with no hesitation really just put it all into perspective for me on how much you-"

"Aish! I get it you sarcastic little shit!" He said picking up my fork and shoving some fruit into my mouth.

I choked for a second, surprised and then began chewing, pouting while I'm at it.

"I would like to go downstairs!" I said before putting my hands on my cheeks and smiling brightly.

"No." Yoongi said, shooting down my idea before I even suggested it.


"Ne, be a good Jagi and stay in bed for me."

"Hmph, fine, be that way." I say, he thanked me for being good and took my now empty plate from me and leaving the room.

I quickly threw the covers off of me and stuck my feet to the ground.

"Ngh...these pills have barely taken affect I see." I said through a pained smirk.

I quickly waddled to my bedroom door, and down the hall.

I heard Yoongi coming back up the stairs so I painfully hid behind the wall on the other side, and waited for him to walk by me before practically throwing myself down the stairs.

Each step was more painful than the last as I finally limped onto the floor.

As soon as my foot hit the floor-

"M/N! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" An irritated Yoongi yelled from my empty room.

"Shit shit shit OW fuck. My. Life. OW AGAIN!" I yelled a repeat of these words as I awkwardly ran towards Jin, my only safety.

Jin made eye contact with me and his eyes widened slightly as I stopped running and made grabby hands towards him, me sinking to my knees in pain.

He came over and scooped me up, just as I heard Hyungs heavy footsteps hit the floor I squeaked and hugged Jin tightly.

"M/N! I told you to stay up there!"

"But I wanted to see everyooonnnee!"

"Ne! Now you have owe me food and double the nap time!" He said crossing his arms.

"Ehhh?! I'm so broke!" I sighed in defeat as Jin rubbed the small of my back.

"Is M/N down here?!"

"We hear a kittens voice~"


Three extra voices piled in from the kitchen.

"Kitten! You should have called me to carry you down, I wanna hold you!" Jungkook threw his hands up in protest.

"Too bad! If anyone is gonna hold him, it's me, I know where he likes to be pet!" Jimin chimed in smacking Kookie in the back of the head.

"And neither of you he called! He would prefer if I came and carried him, I'm gentle-"

"AHAHAHAHAHA OH MY GOD THAT IS A FUNNY JOKE TAETAE!" I yelled at him, at this point I was snuggled with my head on Yoongi's lap with my legs across Jin.

Tae instantly has a visible blush, his boxy smile becoming evident by the second.

"Tae-hyung please wipe that proud look off of your face!" Kookie yelled, getting embarrassed himself by the reminder of last night.

Kookie kneeled in front of me and kissed me gently, "Is there anything we can do to make it up to you?"

"Ahaha, not really."

"Ne! Why not?"

"C-Cause, even though it hurts, I really...really enjoyed myself last night." I whispered in Kookie's ear, him smirking at the comment.

His face held a light pink blush, while I could put a tomato to shame.

"M/N~" I turned and looked over at Jin.

"Yeah hyung?"

"You should test the hyung line, we're a lot more gentle~" He finished, sending me a wink.

Oh my lord-

The cable turned off
(I'm so sorry I had to)

QOTD: Who is your bias wrecker?

Thank you for flying author airlines we hope you enjoyed the flight along with a shitty chapter!

It was free! No charge!

Which is very evident!

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