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I snapped my head towards Aaron.

"What'd you do?" I asked fixing my glasses

"N...nothing" he said

I scrucnhed my nose up walking downstairs with my pencil in my hand.

Aaron followed me down the stairs where our father angrily stood crossing his arms.

"Aaron go back up to your room I need to talk to your sister"

Aaron looked at me then back to dad before walking back upstairs.

I turned back to my angry dad confused.

"What's this about a boyfriend...and bad grades?" He asked

"What?...I...I don't have a boyfriend" I said

I don't...Brandon's my bestfriend...who told him that?

I'm only 12...I don't want a boyfriend

And I only have a D because I didn't understand the science packet.

" Who's Brandon?" He asked

"A friend...h...he's just a boy in my class...w..we aren't doing anything wrong daddy" I said

" what about the bad grades?"

"I didn't understand..."

"Well you need to pay attention more...I don't want you hanging out with that little boy anymore got it!"

"Got it" I said looking down tearing up

"Go up to your room...now!" He yelled

I turned around quickly rushing up the stairs crying.

I closed the door behind me looking at Aaron.

"Did you tell him about Brandon?" I asked with a cracked voice.


"Did you Aaron?"

"Yes...but he was yelling at me about Michelle so it was only fa-"

"I can't believe you would do that...Malcolm and I aren't even dating...he's my bestfriend and...now I can't talk to him anymore...how am I going to explain that to him?!"

"I..I'll tell him...I...I'm sorry Ari"

I shook my head plopping down on my bed.

Sometimes Aaron can be a pain in the ass!...and were only 13.

"Ari I really am sorry...I..I jus-"

"save it Aaron...I thought we were closer than that but I guess not.."

I heard him sigh before I got up and walked into the bathroom closing and locking the door.


I didn't really do it because of Michelle...the hell with Michelle..

Brandon is taking away my bestfriend...Ari and I used to be so close before he came along...and I know he likes her because he's apart of the group of guys I hang around...

He's always looking at her and gets all weird whenever she comes around to talk to me...totally interrupts our conversations sometimes...

Now we don't talk as much and she hates me...

I feel bad because she's crying but I hate him...

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