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"Today we're going on a PTA field trip...did you get your papers signed?" Mia asked with Aaron's arm around her

"Mom got all of our papers signed at the beginning of the year" Aaron said

"Ok good...I heard we're going bowling...the whole senior grade is gonna be there"

Great, that means Charles...

"Its gonna be fine...just have fun..."

Can't have fun when you're trying to avoid your ex boyfriend who cheated on you...

"We're gonna make them sit together...they have to talk then...right?" Mia asked

" maybe...but I don't want to force it..." I said rubbing her thigh

" we're not forcing...we're just giving it a tiny push"

"Ok..." I said as we walked into homeroom behind Arianna.


"Charles....Charles why're you ignoring me?...talllk to me babe"

"Look Lexi...we're not together okay...that was a mistake that won't ever happen again...I lost the love of my life because of it!"

"And you can get me Ba-"

"It's not you" I said walking into the classroom.

When I first walked in I saw Arianna playing with the necklace I got her

I'm happy she hasn't thrown it away...

I walked over to Aaron and Mia and sat down next to them huffing.

"Hey..." Aaron said as we did our handshake

"Hey" I said lowly.

"You alright?"

"I'm as fine as I can be under the circumstances" I said looking at Arianna who was infront of us.

I love her...

it was time to go and everybody was piling on the bus.

I was behind Aaron and Mia who were being all coupley and it made me upset but I didn't tell them that.

When we got on the bus we sat in the way way back and they sat infront of me.

It was one of those coach busses that looked like the city bus and I sat alone putting my foot in the seat so nobody sat there and I looked down at my phone.

"Hey Charles...right here" Mia said moving my foot.

"Hey!" I groaned looking at her

"sorry not sorry" she mouthed

I crossed my arms looking out the window.

"Can we please talk"Charles said laying his head on my shoulder

I looked at him and shook my head looking back out the window...

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