28/ Epilogue

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After crying for hours I finally finished packing.

This summer has been the worst summer ever...

I haven't talked to Anybody...not Aaron...not any of our friends...

not Arianna...

I've been hid up in my room feeling like shit...I was this close to forgetting about NYU...

I just wanna be with Arianna...I don't even care about college anymore...we were doing amazing again...

She has probably had the best summer of her life....

I decided to finally get out of this house and go skate like I used to.

I took a short shower and got dressed grabbing my skateboard.

I walked out my room with my phone in my hand passing my parents.

"He's alive!" They exclaimed laughing

I ignored them and walked out the house.

I put my skateboard down on the ground and started riding not caring which way I went or if I got hurt...hell is it even worth it...

I realized I was coming up towards the Laurent/Wilk home when I saw Aaron...Ari...and all of our friends on the porch.

Ari looked up and frowned when she saw me

"Yo Charles!" Aaron called

I looked at him but kept going.

"What's up with him?...that's weird" Aaron said

Loren and Ariel looked at me.

"What?" I asked crossing my arms

"What even happened?...all we know is you broke up"

" he's moving"em

"Well duh we all are...college"

"He's going to New York" I said trying not to tear up.

Everybody went quiet getting what that meant.

I grabbed my phone and walked back into the house crying.

I'm upset...really hurt...broken really...i...i...I thought he would pick me over NYU...why did I?...Art is his dream...I should be happy he's happy...not everything's about me...we broke up...and it sucks...it really sucks...

Whenever I get into my car I can't stop thinking about him...and his cute face when he's happy...and how he tried everything to make me happy...he was the best boyfriend a girl can have...he made me crush on him over and over again even when we were together...when he'd kiss me my heart would flutter and it was like our first kiss...my actual first kiss...now that's all gone...

It's just a sea of beautiful memories...he's going away...I'm going to Los Angeles...alone...Aaron's going to Davis,California...my friends are going all around the country...

it's just me...and my broken heart...

" hey...you okay?" Aaron asked walkin into my room

"I'll be fine...just thinking"

"I'm still sorry about you and Charles"

"It's been two months since I've seen him it's just weird...i miss him"

"We all do"

"Huh?" I asked

"He hasn't left the house until now...I haven't seen him since after the graduation dinner..."

"Really?" I asked

"Yea...he only texted me telling me you broke up and how he...hates...himself...it was a lot...but it broke his heart too"

I bit the corner of my mouth sighing.

"was he?" I asked

"I'm not trying to make you feel bad or to do anything but tell you...but he was crying on the phone...sobbing...just sobbing and talking..."

I looked down sad

"I'm gonna go talk to him tomorrow...I don't wanna leave on bad terms..." I sighed

"He's leaving early tomorrow...I was gonna go say bye tomorrow but it's too early...6 Am"

" I'm gonna go now then...maybe get some food"

"Get me some chick fil-a"


I held the bag in my hand walking up Charles porch.

I rung the doorbell and sighed waiting for somebody to open the door.

Thomas did

"Oh...hey Ari" he said smiling

"Hey T...Uhm is Charles here?"

"Yea...he's playing the game in his room...you can go on up" he said moving out the way

I nodded walking in upstairs to Charles room which I know all too well.

I walked in and closed the door behind me.

"Thomas I told you to fucking knock first..." Charles groaned before he looked up and saw me

"W...what're...h...hey" he stuttered taking his headphones off pausing the game

"Hey" I said sitting on his bed.

"I bought us food...I wanna talk" I said taking out our food and leaving Aaron's in there

"Oh Uhm...thanks...I was hungry" he said sitting on the bed.

I nodded moving hair behind my ear.

"Well Uhm...I have good knees...I...I mean if you still want to be with me" I said looking down at my fingers

" Ofcourse I do beautiful" he said

"I...I talked to Aaron before I left and I think...I think I wanna do long distance...I...I mean it's only for two years right?...are you gonna move down to L.A once you get out " I asked

He smiled

" yes...Ofcourse that was my plan" he said excited

I smiled looking at him.

"Well...then I'm really glad to do long distance...I can't imagine you falling In love with somebody new" I said pouting

"I would never fall in love with somebody else...you're my first and only love" he said making me blush

I climbed ontop of him and smiled kissing him

He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed back as I moaned quietly into his mouth.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

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