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Charles🙄 - I miss you...meet me at the park
- You're annoying 😂
Charles🙄 - ☹️ meany
- awee I'm sowwy
Charles🙄 - you don't mean it
- yes I do bestfwenddd
Charles🙄 - boyfwenddd* had to correct you sorry
- last time I checked...I wasn't asked out...so...
Charles🙄- so you do like me 😏
- ugh shut up!
Charles🙄 - come...and meet me and Aaron at the park

I forgot Aaron left ugh...

- lemme change...ill be there in 10
Charles🙄 - I'll be waiting beautiful 😊

He's a weirdo...but I like it...


200,340 likes , 4,677 comments AriBabyy Braids or pony?

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200,340 likes , 4,677 comments
AriBabyy Braids or pony?

Comments :
CharlesGitnick 😍 mine
ArielleLaurent Pretty like momma ❤️
Aa.ron get out here Geesh!
BrandonRowland 🙄 braids

I held my phone and looked through my comments as I walked up to the swing set.

I felt arms wrap around my waist so I looked back seeing a smiling Charles.

"Ew get off" I teased playfully rolling my eyes

"Hurtful...did you see my comment?" He asked

"Yea...my parents check those dummy

"well their gonna see how beautiful I think their daughter is" he shrugged kissin my cheek

I rolled my eyes sitting on the swing next to my brother.

"Finally geesh"

"Oh shush"

"This goof wouldn't start talking bout you...it was getting weird"

"Really?" I asked looking up at Charles

He blushed turning around.

I smiled looking at my phone.

I knew he liked me...but I'm kinda flattered...really flattered...Charles is a sweetheart.

Charles Ofcourse is staying over again...he's a good friend for Aaron and I...and I know my mom can tell...dad doesn't care he just doesn't like him sleeping in the same room as me.

I laid in bed talking to Charles who was on the floor as Aaron snored in his sleep.

" I want it to be soecial...like you" he smiled

I blushed giggling.

"You think I'm special?" I asked smiling.

"Ofcourse...you're pretty...cute...giggly...smart..."

"Oh shoot" I said remembering I have on contacts.

I jumped up and rushed into the bathroom.

"What's wrong?" Charles asked following me confused

"I still have on my contacts" I said as I got one out.

"You wear glasses?" He smiled

"Yea...problem?" I asked turning around crossing my arms

"No...I wanna see" he said wrapping his arms around my waist looking in the mirror

I smiled taking the other contact out and putting it in the case with the other one.

"Hand me those" I said pointing at the glasses behind him

He turned around and grabbed the glasses handing them to me.

I opened them and put them on

"Awwe you're so cute baby" he said kissing my cheek

I giggled until I heard the door open.

I pushed him off acting natural as my dad walked up to the bathroom doorway.

"What're you two still doing up?" He asked

"I forgot about my contacts...a...and he was just watching" I shrugged

He glared at Charles before mom came into the room.

"Sammy leave them alone and get to bed" she whisper yelled

He looked at us one more time before following her out closing the door.

I let out a breathe hitting his chest.

He smiled grabbing my arm and pulling me to his chest.

"Sowwy" he whispered kissing on my jaw

I smiled rolling my eyes.

"Next...it'll be your lips" he whispered smiling and walking out the bathroom

I played with my fingers biting my lip.


I walked back into the room and laid down in my bed smiling at him before we both closed our eyes.

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