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I smiled watching my boyfriend and brother go back and forth over a game.

"NO I WON I SWEARRRR " Aaron said

"No you didn't...baby...right I won?" Charles asked

I shrugged biting my thumbnail.

He smiled winking at me.

I feel like the happiest 13 year old...

" fine...after school...rematch...if I win you have to get me something on our birthday too"

"That day is planned for my girlfriend bro"

"There's a day before and a day after...I can wait a day or two"

Charles rolled his eyes and shook on it.

"If I win...what do I get?" He asked

" what do you want?" He asked

"Well right now...ARIII!!!" He whined

I got up confused and walked over to him looking up at his tall self.

He smiled lifting me up and kissing me.

"Awee!" Mia said walking up to us in gym

"where have you been?!" I groaned "these goofs have been arguing bout some game all gym class..."

"Sorry...I met this boy...Brandon...he's really cool"

"No no no nooooo....don't mess with him...he's bad news" I said holdin her shoulders

"Why?...he seemed nice...and cute" she smiled

"He's a player.,,don't start liking him...he'll only play you if you kiss...have sex with...anything...just don't do that"

"I won't...thanks" she said

I nodded feeling arms wrap around my neck.

I looked back at Charles smiling.

"You smell good" he said

"You were with me all day...you didn't notice"

"No...I was too worried about how beautiful my girlfriend is" he shrugged

I blushed smiling.

This goof...

"Yo Brandon!" I called jogging up to him

" oh...nice if you to talk to me"

"I just wanted to tell you to leave Mia alone...she doesn't know how you're but I do...don't play her..."

"I can do what I want for one...how do you know I'm gonna play her...what if I'm over that..."

"Brandon...just do-" he smashed his lips into mine catchi me off guard but I pushed him off wiping my mouth.

"What the hell!"

I scoffed walking away.

I got to my locker and usually Charles waits for me but he isn't there so I guess he didn't get out of class yet.

I got my stuff out and held my bag over my shoulders just as Aaron walked up.

"Hey have you see charles?" I asked "I havent seen him since lunch"

" hmm...no"

I scrunched my face up.

I closed my locker and walked up to Mia.


"How could you do that?...Charles loved you"

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