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-Senior year-

"Charles stop" I whined

He keeps slapping my booty while I get my stuff out my locker.

"Whyyy...you're my girlfriend..." He said kissing on my neck

I smiled intertwining our hands

Charles and I have been together since 8th grade...and haven't had any problems since then...he's still that sweet munchkin I love...he always makes me smile and laugh...he's the cutest...

Aaron has a girlfriend...Mia!!

I was so excited for them...they're so cute...not cuter than us buuuut...almost

I was sad...I still look the same from when I was 13...shorts and young...Charles grew up...he's so handsome...sexy.

"I love you" he said spinning me around smiling.

"I love you too Papi" I said making him smile

" Come over?" He asked

" yea...I have to ask my mom first so she's not worried" I said taking out my phone

Ever since my mom and dad go t a divorce she's been scared he's gonna take us away...and she'll never see us again...they didn't do any of that court stuff where they have to choose custody yet so...that's still up for debate.

" ok"

"Mmm oh fuck" I moaned quietly throwing my head back

Charles is currently fingering me slowly and it feels amazing.

He looked down at me and started kissing on my neck and then jaw as I moaned rolling my eyes back.

"Mmmm..f...faster" I moaned

He listened and started pumping his fingers faster.

I gasped feeling my right leg shaking.

We've never gone too far with the...sex...I'm still a virgin...and he's fine with waiting...he never try's anything...I kinda want him too...but I'm scared.

Good thing we we're under the covers because Aaron and Mia burst through the door.

"Wassup wassup wassup!" He yelled as I pulled my thong up and skirt down.

I grabbed my phone just as it dinged and saw I got a text from Lexi.

Lex💛🙄 - you guys all at Charles?
- uh yea why?
Lex💛🙄 - Can I come over?

"Uhm Lexi wants to come over" I said playing with Charles's hand

"Nooooo" they all said

- it's kinda a group thang...maybe next time...
Lex💛🙄 - wow ok...he's been ignoring me for months...I miss him ☹️
- what do you mean?
Lex💛🙄 - we're dating...but he's ignoring me...my calls and texts...walking away in school...

I scrunched my fade up looking at Charles getting up fixing my skirt.

"Have you been dating Lexi behind my back?" I asked as they all looked at me

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