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I expected to feel the warmth of my girlfriend when I woke up but instead I felt sheets...empty sheets.

I sat up seeing she wasn't there...

I climbed out of bed seeing her bags were gone...her phone...everything!

I rushed into Aaron's room waking him up.

"Geesh bro!!" He groaned turning over

"Aaronget the fuck up...a...Arianna is gone" I said panicking

"What?!" He asked

I fell asleep and she was there and now I woke up...she's fucking gone!"I said close to crying

"Call her call her"

I ran back into my room calling her lettin out a breathe of relief when she answered.

"hello?" Her soft voice answered

"Baby...w...where are you?" I asked crying

She sighed before speaking

"I...I left...go home...go back to your family...I shouldn't have brought you along with me...I should've left on my own...just please go home and see your mom...I...I love you...so much...I'm sorry"


" I don't know...but don't worry about me...go home"

" I'm not going anywhere until you tell me where you are!" i said panicking

" Char-"

"Arianna...tell me where you are right fucking now"

The line went silent.

"I love you...but I can't" she said before hanging up

I got angry throwing my phone at the wall.

I sat down on my bed holding my head in my hands crying.

"Why why why!!!" I yelled

"What happened?...where is she?" Aaron asked running into the room.

"She won't tell me...she just kept...kept telling me us to go home" I said pulling on my hair

" o...fuck...Charles calm down we'll find her...she couldn't have gotten that far on foot...s...she left your keys" he said pointing behind me

I looked back grabbing my keys off the nightstand.

I need to find my baby...

I didn't say anything I just grabbed my bag and got dressed holding my phone and keys.

"Cmon!" I yelled

He rushed and got dressed grabbing his bags and following me out.

I cried walking

I didnt make it far from the hotel because I was walking and didn't know where to go...still don't...but since Charles called me I know he's gonna try and come find me so that can't happen...

I wiped my eyes sniffling.

A car pulled up to me and I looked seeing a very angry Charles and Aaron so I kept walking.

"Arianna...get in the car" Aaron said but I ignored him

" I told you go home"

"And I told you I'm not going anywhere until you told me where you were...and you didn't so I'm not going home..." Charles said

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