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These last two months have been dull and normal...

It's just Aaron and I in school...

Mia tried to apologize but I didn't want to hear it...

Aaron and Charles are friends but it's not like all 3 of us anymore...

I know if I'm friends with him I'll fall right back into his arms...and I don't need that...

But it gets really awkward when he comes up to Aaron's locker to talk to him...

What also sucks is seeing him be alone...he had no friends anymore because everyone picked my side and lexi's even mad at him...not that he cares about her...I don't know.

"Maybe he could sit at the table tomorrow"

"You can sit at the table alone...with him...and I'll get some new friends"

"Cmon...what could it hurt?" Aaron begged

"My heart...my feelings..,you know the things I used to have..."

He sighed.

"Don't you think this single thing was too much...I mean..."

"Aaron...he cheated on me with my bestfriend...your ex girlfriend...so no I don't thin-"

"He didn't kiss her back...Mia is in the wrong here..."

"What do you mean?" I asked

"He didn't kiss her back...he told me they were talking about surprising us for OUR birthday...yanno couple stuff...and as they were talking at Starbucks I think he said she started talking weird and he was about to leave because of that but she got up and stopped him...he said she kissed him and it took him a while to process which he does feel sorry about...but she kissed him...he didn't kiss back...but he pulled away late and I guess that's when the picture was taken..."

"He could be long just so you guys stay friends" I said crossing my arms.

"That's thought that when he first told me so I asked Mia...like really made her talk to me and truthfully answer...and she started crying...like balling her eyes out and said...she did because we were arguing and she saw how good he treated You...and she wanted that...but didn't think she could've gotten that from me...so she thought if she pushed her self onto him he'll start wanting her...and obviously that didn't work...he didn't technically cheat on you"

I leaned on the lockers confused squinting my eyes.

"I don't know what to believe...but lets get home before momma worries" I said

He nodded closing his locker and following me out the school.

I was doing my homework in the livingroom while Aaron finished his and played the game.

"Heyyy sis can you get me a rice Krispy?" Aaron asked

I nodded putting my pencil down and walking into the kitchen.

I climbed onto the counter and went into the cabinet grabbing the whole box of rice Krispy's knowing he's gonna want more...

I grabbed one as I sat down and opened it fixing my glasses.

The doorbell rang but Aaron got up so I continued doing my work and eating my rice Krispy treat.

"Ari say hi" Aaron said


I looked up and saw Charles making me glare at Aaron.

" friendship?"

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