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I finished my makeup just as Charles wrapped his arms around me in the mirror.

"I love you" he said moving my hair to the opposite shoulder

I smiled bending over looking at him.

"Damn princess..." He said holding my hips

I rolled my eyes grabbing my phone

"Picture?" I asked looking back at him.

"Can I get a kiss first?" He asked in a baby voice smiling

"Ofcourse you can daddy" I said turning around hopping on the counter

He shook his head smiling before cupping my face in his hands and kissing me.

"I love you baby" he said licking my lips

I giggled biting my lip.

"I love you more daddy" I said playing with his neck hairs.

He smiled cutely blushing into my chest.

"Stawwp doing that" he blushed

"I'm sorryyyy...I just like his embarrassed you get...it's cute" I giggled

Charles hates when I call him daddy because he thinks it's weird and it makes him all giggly and uncomfortable.

" daddy..." I teased whining

He looked at me trying not to laugh and blushing before walking away.

"Daddy..." I giggled hopping off the counter and running out after him

He sat on the bed looking at his phone.

He got up and walked around me.

"Ok ok I'm done" I said grabbing his arm laying my head on his chest.

He looked down at me biting his lip to keep from laughing.

"I lo-"

"Jeez you guys take forever!" Aaron groaned walking into our room..

"Oh we were done..." I giggled wrapping my tiny arms around Charles snuggling into his warm chest

"Awwe look at the happy couple!" Aaron covered his mouth fake crying.

I shook my head grabbing my phone and bag"

"You fuckers ready?"

" you look beautiful in everything princess" Charles said holding his arm around my waist

I giggled rolling my eyes

"Charles come on I'm serious" I whined

"Ok ok...you look...absolutely...gorgeous...dead ass...you're so fucking adorable...I...I can't breathe" he said

I covered my face from blushing.

"Char Stawwp"

"Yea char stop...we have to go" Aaron said walking up to us


"Da-fuck" he said putting the clothes down for me and pulling us out the store.

"Ron what's going. On?" I asked

"dads in there...with some blonde lady"

I rolled my eyes crossing my arms.

"ARIANNA!?AARON?!" we heard a voice call

I turned around seeing my dad walking up to us

"run" I mouthed

They both nodded and on 3 we all ran separately...well since I grabbed Charles hand he ran with me.

We ran through the few people out and got to his truck.

We got in and waited for Aaron scared.

"Do you think my dad found him?" I asked panicking

"No...Aaron's wayyyy too fast..." He shook his head.

I bit my thumb worrying.

"Babygirl he's fine...Cmere" He said

I scooted closer and he pulled me on his lap.

He left open mouth kisses on my neck and shoulder rubbing my arm.

I calmed down laying back on his chest.

"I love you" he said moving hair behind my ear.

"I love you t-"

I got cut off by Aaron getting in the car out of breathe.

"Hurry up and drive!"

"I didn't get my sweaterrr!" I whined collapsing on my bed

"We'll get it another day..." Charles said smacking my butt as he sat down

"Bro!" Aaron groaned

" sorry..." Charles chuckled laying down next to me.

I moved up a little and pecked his lips repeatedly giggling.

I love him...

"Guys...well...Ari...I'm not trying to make you upset or am I saying I don't want to do this...but maybe we should go home "

I sighed.

"I can't...I...I'm tired of feeling like I'm a mistake...or a burden...everybody is always yelling at me about something...I'm tired of dad making me feel like shit...and now mom!...I'm not going anywhere..."I said

Aaron sighed.

"Ok...fine" he nodded

" how long are we gonna be out here?"

"Just a couple months..." I said as Charles laid on me like a baby snuggling into my belly

" ok...so before we graduate right?"

"Ofcourse..." I said playing in Charles hair

Aaron nodded.

" well I'm tired so..." He said putting up a piece sign and backing up into his room and closing the door

I looked down seeing Charles was sleep so I left a soft kiss on his forehead before moving from under him and covering him under the covers.

I climbed off the bed and grabbed my phone and slides.

I grabbed his car keys and looked at them just to put them right back down.

I grabbed my bags and left...

They can go home...Charles's parents are probably worried sick...mom is probably worried sick about Aaron...dads probably confused as hell...

This is what I wanted to do and I shouldn't have dragged them along...

I will always love both of them...Charles...Aaron...

But I can't do this...

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