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I woke up to Charles kissing all over my neck and face.

I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Get up princess" he said lookin down at me.

"Can we lay here" I pouted burying my head into his neck

"No we gotta get up baby...we have a lot of stuff to do"

"Pweaseee" I said in a baby voice pouting

He looked down at me for a while and pecked my lips.

"Half an hour...I'm putting on an alarm" he said

"Thank you daddy" I giggled wrapping my legs around him and getting comfortable.

He playfully rolled his eyes laying on my chest falling asleep with me.

The alarm went off just as Aaron walked into the room with Vanessa.

"Awwe how cute...You have a nail appointment remember" Aaron said

"I do?" I asked yawning

"Yes..." Charles said tiredly kissing my neck

"Oh..." I said

They both laughed walking out closing the door.

"Baby get up" I said to a sleepy Charles.

"I don't wanna anymore" he pouted burying his head into my neck holding me tightly.

"Come on" I said smacking his booty

He laughed whining.

"baby stawwp!" He whined laughing

"Get up " I said squeezing it

He sat up and looked back at me pouting.

I smiled sitting up kissing him.

I climbed onto his lap straddling him and kissing him.

He wrapped his arms around my waist

I deepened the kiss feeling him squeeze my ass

I ran my fingers up his shirt without separating our lips.

I pulled away after a while bitin my lip before getting up.

"I gotta get ready"


"Happy birthday bro...forgot to tell you" I said dapping up Aaron.

"thanks " he smiled "so you never told me...what you got for Ari?"

"Oh..." I smirked

"Im going to pick it up later...but here's a picture" I said taking out my phone laying down on Ari's bear.

I looked through my screenshots showing him.

"Woah...did you really get her that?"

"Yea..with the help of your dad and my dad...It costed a lot...but I've been saving up for it...for a long time...just for her"

"She's gonna be sooo happy...she's wanted this since forever..."

"I know...I hope she does"

"She will...I know I would...you know what...be my boyfriend" he said

"Yea...I'm sorry but I'm inlove with your sister"

"Ohhhh that little sneak" he said

I chuckled

"But on a serious note...have you told her about...that thing?"

I sighed shaking my head,

"No...I'm scared she's gonna have another incident...I don't want to do that to her...I want her to be happy...and I know when I tell her it's gonna break her heart"

Aaron nodded...

"She's gonna be devastated..."

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