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I leaned back in my chair listening to this old man talk about things that happened back in the ancient ages.

"Hey..." A voice whispered making me turn my head.

It was some girl looking at me.

"Uh...wassup?" I asked

"You're Aaron Wilkinson right?


"I'm Mia...I just moved here..." She smiled

"Uh...nice to meet you Mia...I guess"

"Can i hang out with you...I'm new and...nobody has talked to me...so I tried to make friends on my own...and you're the first one to actually talk to me" she said awkwardly chuckling

"Uh sure...ill introduce you to my bestfriends at lunch"

"Guys...guys...stop staring at eachother and pay attention to my words..." I said walking up to the table where my twin sister and my friend / her boyfriend sat...

They looked at me and Mia confused.

"This is Mia...she's my new friend...and she's gonna sit with us"

"Ok" they both shrugged kissing

"Ew..." I said sitting down

Mia sat next to me and we started talking before we all joined in conversation.

"You're really pretty" Mia said to my sister.

"Don't lie to her" I joked

"Oh shut up...thank you" Arianna said to her

"You're ugly" I shrugged

"If I'm ugly you're ugly...because we're twins"

"You're the ugly twin"

" you make no senseeee" she said laughing

"I make perfect sense..." I crossed my arms

"Whatever" she said rolling her eyes

"Charles...right I'm the better looking twin?"

He looked at me then her and shook his head.

"Nahhh she's beautiful" he said kissing her

"Gag..." I said fake gagging

" whatever...Mia you wanna come over tonight and hang out because these two fuckers will most likely be playing the game"

"Oh so I'm a fucker now?" Charles asked looking at her.

"are they always this...close?"Mia asked chuckling

"They just started dating yesterday...so no" I laughed


"They're the...kiss lash couture mink lash editin...04" I said reading the back of the box I got my eyelashes from.

"I'm gonna need you to do my makeup sometime...you look amazing.

"She always does!" Charles yelled making me playfully roll my eyes.

"You guys are goals for real

"I mean...I guess so" I shrugged

"Oh shush you know you guys are cute...he obviously really likes you"

"We just started dating yesterday..."

"So...you were friends before right?...you don't have to date to love someone..."

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