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"Oh shut up...I'm older...mom said so"

"She was lying to you"

"Nope I don't believe it" I said popping skittle into my mouth as we walked into school

I saw Charles and smiled as he walked over to us.

"Hey" he said before we all did the handshake.

" What special do you have?" He asked looking at me.


"Same" Aaron and I both said walking to our lockers.

We put our stuff away and I fixed my crop top before we all walked to the gymnasium.

"You're both taller than me stop!" I groaned jumping up to get my phone out Aaron's hand

He handed it to Charles and I pouted crossing my arms and lookin up at him.

He looked at me and handed it to me.

I smiled turning around

"Cmon!" Aaron groaned.

"Sorry bro...I started feeling bad"

"Its cuz you like her" Aaron whispered but heard.

"Shut up..." Charles said

"Do you?"

"I don't know...kinda"

I smiled too my self blushing but I looked down at my phone.

Charles may like me...

" Hey can I please talk to you?" Brandon asked

"I'm right here..."

"Alone..." He said as Charles and Aaron stood on either side of me.

"Yea no..."

"Ugh...fine...I play these other girls....and I honestly was gonna play you...but...I don't want to anymore...you're a sweet...beautiful girl...and I wanna get back together" he smiled holding my hand

I bit my lip looking at Aaron.

He crossed his arms glaring at Brandon.

Then I looked at Charles.

He looked down at the ground awkwardly but sad.

"You know Brandon...I'm gonna have to pass..." I said shrugging

He looked at me and scoffed.

"Whatever" he said walking away

I rolled my eyes turning around.

Aaron was smirking.

"Good job" he said holding up his hand for a high five

I rolled my eyes giving him a high five.

"Hey can I sit here today?" Lexi asked walking up to our lunch table

"Uh sure" I said shrugging

She sat next to Charles smiling.

"Hey Charles..." She smiled resting her head on her arm

I scrunched my face up looking at them.

"Uh hi" he said

" Did you enjoy the party?" She asked

"Uh yea...it was cool"

She smiled giggling

What was funny?

"So Uhm...you wanna go to the mall with us later?" Aaron asked Charles

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