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Ever since we got to school I haven't seen Arianna...she hasn't been in class...I texted her and she didn't answer.

Math class ended and we all walked out.

When I finally got out I saw Arianna talking to Brandon...and they were holding hands.

I walked up to them confused.

"Ari...what's going on?" I asked

"H...he apologized...and asked me out..." She smiled

I closed my eyes shaking my head.

"Oh cool" i said walking away.

I rolled my eyes walking to my locker and putting my stuff away.

We're at lunch and she's on his lap and he's feeding her...like she can eat her self...what kind of shit..

If he hurts my sister I'm gonna kill him I swear.

I glared at them biting into my chicken sandwich.

"Damn Aaron...what's up with you bro?" Kyle asked punching my shoulder.

"Don't fucking touch me"I said

Arianna looked at me confused but Brandon kissed her cheek so she smiled down st him.

I rolled my eyes and got it throwing my food in the trash and walking out.

I can't deal...I can't...she's just asking to get hurt...he just wants one thing...and we're only 13... She deserves way better...

"Aaron!" She called after me but I ignored her

"Aaron wait!"

I rolled my eyes and stopped looking back at my twin sister.

"What's wrong?" She asked walking up to me

"I don't want you looking stupid...he's just gonna break your heart if you don't do what he wants...he'll embarrass you again..."

"Aaron he apologized...he said he wouldn't" she shook her head.

"Arianna you aren't stupid and You know that...he's lying to you"

She scrucnhed her face up crossing her arms.

" You just don't want me to steal your friend...stop trying to make him into a bad person...he made a mistake..."

"12 times...with 12 different girls?...a mistake...ok..."

" he didn-"

"You know what...whatever Ari...get played...get your heart broken...but don't say I didn't warn you" I said walking away.

I tried..

"We're going out tonight so dinners on the stove...snacks are where they always are...and if anything happens call us...keep the doors locked and DONT leave this damn house" dad said as we stood infront of them

"Gotcha" I said

"Ok...have fun!" Arianna said smiling

They nodded walking out and locking the door.

Ari stood there smiling at her stupid phone..

I turned around and rolled my eyes walking into the kitchen.

"Do you still have a problem with my boyfriend?"

I ignored her getting a Rice Krispie out the pantry.

"Are you seriously ignoring me?"


I still ignored her and walked away into the livingroom.

"Pook!..." She yelled sitting on my lap

"Get off!"

"Can I invite Brandon over"

I looked at her and shook my head.

"I don't give a hell" I said getting up

"Wait pook I'm playing!" She said

I sat back down taking out my phone rolling my eyes

" do you really think he's gonna play me?"

"I'm 100 percent sure...I've been friends with him for a while and he does it to all the girls..."

She sat and looked down at her lap.

"I'm gonna break up with him...it's only been a day though"

"So what...ill do it for you if I have to"

" I'm gonna text him..."

I nodded watching tv and eating my Rice Krispy.

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