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I woke up wrapped in Charles arms so I snuggled my head into his neck smiling.

"Can you get up? I'm hungry" I heard Aaron say making me roll my eyes

I turned over and looked at Aaron.

"Can you stop being mad at us?"

"I'm not mad at you...I'm mad at his dumbass" he said

"Then stop being mad at him...he did nothing..."

"He took your virginity!"

" AND YOU'RE MAKIN HIM FEEL BAD ABOUT THAT AARON!!...h...he regrets it now...so thank you...thank you sooo fucking much!" I yelled crying

I got up and ran into the bathroom locking myself in there.

I slid down the wall crying.

This is exactly...exactly what I wanted to get away from...I can never not get yelled at...I do something I want...with somebody who most of the time makes me happy...a...and Ofcourse I'm made to feel like shit about it...the fuck...do they want me to be depressed or something?!

Cuz congratulations I'm almost there...

I woke up to loud yelling and my girlfriend running in the bathroom crying.

"What happened" I asked sitting up

Aaron mean mugged me so I shook my head getting up and walking to the bathroom door.

"It's locked" he said

"What'd you say to her?" I asked getting mad

And I don't get mad...

"How I feel...I don't fucking like you...you took my sisters virginity" he said

I squeezed my eyes shut biting my lip.

"Look...isn't about us right now...this is about her...we ran away...because of this exact thing...if you don't like it then you shouldn't have came...like it or not...we're together and I love her...with all my heart...and I'm getting really sick and tired of everybody treating her as if she doesn't have feelings and yelling at her for NO fucking reason..,she wanted it...and I made sure SHE KNEW she wanted it before i even touched her like that...before the night even happened!...she was sure...and I was sure to give her what SHE wanted...and you yelling at her isn't fixing shit!...it happened...there's NOTHING you can do about it...so instead of being mad at me and making your sister feel horrible about herself...GET OVER IT!"

I really am tired of her always crying...when we were together and she got yelled at or she felt like they were making her feel stupid...she would call me and be crying and it would hurt...it always fucking hurt...I love her...and that's not a lie...she means the world to me...and all that stupid shit I did was most definitely regretted...she is so beautiful...and so kind hearted...she doesn't deserve that...at all...

"Baby" I said knocking "baby please open up" I said

I heard her crying from out side the door and it broke my heart...no exaggeration

" princess...I love you...so much...d...don't listen to him...or anybody...I don't care how anybody feels...I'm in love with you and I want you to be happy...please let me in" I said

It went quiet for a while before she opened the door crying and wrapped her tiny arms around me crying into my chest.

"Ari...I...I'm sorry" Aaron said sighing

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