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I read the letter over panicking inside...I was happy...but not...

I would have to leave Arianna...I talked about this win Aaron...and we know she's gonna be heartbroken.

She's been so giggly and happy...this is gonna hurt...

But...we graduate literally this morning...and I have to tell her.

I sighed fixing my suit tie in the mirror and fixing my hair.

I grab my phone and stuff walking downstairs where my parents stood clapping.

I fake smiles hugging my parents and brother.

"I'm so proud of you..,tell Arianna I'm proud of her too" my dad said

I nodded

Right before I tell her I'm going to NYU...not UCLA.

We were all sitting down waiting for the categories to finish being called and our names to be called too.

"The photo ready Commitee!" Mr.Russel yelled clapping.

I stood up and cheered for my girlfriend when she got called even though they told us not to...

"YESSS BABYYY!" I yelled clapping

She looked at me and smiled giggling

"Charles sit down" the principle whisper yelled from next to me.

I sat down smirking.

after all them got called it was Aaron's turn...then mine.

I leaned against the railing of the stairwell and all the college thoughts came back.

"Charles Gitnick!"

I walked up to all the people and shook their hands...hugging my favorite teacher then walking back to my seat.

When all the groups were called we all went and got our actual diplomas.

Then I remembered again that I have to tell Arianna...

After dinner we came back to Their house and Ari and I went up to her room.

I sat on my bed after she changed and sighed looking at her.

"What's wrong baby?" She asked concerned grabbing my hand

"I uh...I have some bad news..." I said

She looked at me worried

"You know how I said I was gonna go to UCLA with you?..." I asked rubbing my thumb across her palm..

She nodded smiling but worried

"I...I'm not going" I said

She looked at me confused and angry

"What...what do you mean?" She asked moving her hands away

"Baby..." I sighed letting out a breath

"I got a scholarship for NYU...It'll help with my art...you know I love art" i said

"I...I thought we were gonna start our lifes together...w...we were gonna start a family later on and be h...happy....I thought you wanted that!" She said standing up

"Baby I do...of course I do...but it's a great opportunity for me..."

She looked at me crying just crying

"Babe" I said standing up going to hug her but she backed up

"No...go...just fucking go!" She yelled crying

"Baby I don't want to break up...I...I can visit you whenever I can...a...and we can talk on the phone everyday"

"L...long distance?" She asked

"Yea...w...we can do it" I nodded holding her hips

She shook her head then walked away to her door

" I can't be without you for that long" she cried

I sighed and bit my lip looking up to keep from crying myself.

"I love you so much Arianna...and you don't know how hard it was for me to actually tell you..."

"I...I love you too...b...but I can't do long distance" she said crying

"Baby..." I said crying as well

"Charles...please" I bit my lip and grabbed my stuff nodding

I walked out not saying anything.

I thought she would atleast try...try to go long distance...try to keep our relationship going.

But she didn't...

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