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So...Ari has been really sad lately and I can't count how many times she broke down crying while being with me or in FaceTime..

That thing with her parents is really affecting her...and it sucks seeing her likes that...so this weekend...I have a surprise for her.

"Where is she?" I asked Aaron over the phone

"In the room crying..." He sighed

He hates how sad she's been just as much as I do...probably more...

"I'm outside" I said holding the bag of snacks and ready bear in my hand.

2 minutes later he opened the door dapping me up

"Yea...she's been up there all day laying under the covers, crying...and watching Netflix.

I pouted as we walked upstairs.

"I'll leave you two" Aaron said walking away leaving just us.

I walked in closing the door and she looked up from the covers sweetly smiling a little.

"Hey princess" I said setting the bags and bear down walking over to her

She sat up and opened her arms smiling

I hugged her wrapping her little legs around my waist.

" you ok beautiful?" I asked

"I'm fine...I guess" she said laying on my chest

"You wanna have a movie night?.. you, I , and Aaron..."

She nodded looking up at me.

I smiled pecking her lips.

"Smile for me...pweaseee"

She stayed straight face sad so I started tickling her.

She giggled smiling.

I smiled kissing her.

"Get up My beautiful Cutie" I said lifting her up and holding her by her bottom

I picked up the bear and handed to her.

"A teddy bear for my soft whittle teddybear "

She giggled blushing.

She's so cute...

We were spread across her bed except Aaron and we were watching Stranger thins over because she wanted to and eating snacks.

"Finn wolfhard is so hot" she said as I snuggled my head into her chest

I looked back at her making her giggle.

"But you're hotter" she said kissing me

I smiled intertwining our hands kissing hers.

she quietly snored into my chest cutely crinkling her button nose up as I smiled running my fingers through her hair.

"Yo...bro" Aaron whisper yelled

I looked up confused.

"Thank you..."

I nodded

"No problem...I care about her...she should be happy"

He nodded before laying down and going to sleep.

May even love her...too early?

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