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I was so scared...

I shot myself...

I...shot myself...

When I did it I instantly regretted it and I tried to get a towel or something to stop the blood...but i didn't get it in time and I felt like I couldn't breathe...I...I felt like my life was over...because it could've been...no more momma...no more Aaron...and no more...Charles.

I can't lose Charles.

When I passed out I saw Charles run in crying...I saw my mom...Aaron...I felt sick to my stomach seeing Charles like that...

My recovery months were fun...but I didn't get to see to Charles much...we FaceTime...and text...but now I'm going back to school...see all my friends...be happy...yanno.

I pulled on my teeshirt and tied it looking in the mirror taking a quick picture.

"Ari...Charles is here time to go" Aaron said walkin into my room

I smiled pulling one of Charles's hoodie's over my head and grabbed my book bag and phone turning my light off.

I have my own room...but there are cameras in here...so they can make sure I don't do anything...even though I won't...I feel happy now...like really happy...

I helped my keys and walked out my room closing my door.

I walked downstairs behind Aaron seeing Charles leaning on the wall on his phone.

I grabbed it out his hand giggling and looking at it.

"Picture?" I asked looking at him smiling

He nodded licking his lips.

I kissed him and took a picture smiling

He held my waist deepening the kiss.

"I love you " he said looking down at me flicking my bottom lip with his thumb

I blushed giggling.

"I love you more"

We got to school and everybody was Ofcourse looking at...me

But I wasn't fazed...

I walked up to my locker seeing flowers and notes under it with notes taped to it.

I scrunched my face up confused looking st Charles.

"D...did they think I was dead?" I asked crying

"No baby...they put these there to show you we all love you...see" he said taking a note off and reading it before showing me

I read it pouring

Dear Arianna,
We all love you little bean...you're the sweetest person I know...I wish you talked to me more so I could try to help you...we're so happy you're okay...can't wait for you to get back to school...

- Loren <3

I smiled looking at him.

"See princess...it's true...we all love you baby..."

I smiled reading all the other notes and smiling at how nice they are.

"This is from Lexi" I said surprised

He grabbed it out my hand opening the envelope and reading the card.

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