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I slipped from under Ari and walked out the room to the the bathroom.

"Wait Charles...can I speak to you?" Arielle, their mom asked

I nodded scratching my head.

"I Uhm...I scheduled Ari for some counseling classes...can you please tell her...I can never get near her..." She sighed

"I will Mrs. Laurent"

"Call me Arielle...or mom...it doesn't matter..."

I nodded

" oh...sorry for...interrupting you" she said walking away

I walked into the bathroom letting out a breathe.

Ari's eyes fluttered open and she looked up at me rubbing her eyes.

"W...what?" She asked as I sighed

"We gotta get ready" I said caressing her cheek

"F....for w...what?" She stuttered playing with her fingers

"We're gonna go get something to eat...then have a fun day...me and you..." I lied moving hair behind her ear

She smiled shyly nodding

"O...okay" she said

I pecked her lips smiling.

I turned around and walked into their closet getting out an outfit hearing her quiet little footsteps following right behind me.

I've been staying here to comfort Ari for 3 days now...half my wardrobe is here...in their closet...it's crazy...

I pulled up to the building their mom gave me for the therapists office and parked sighing.

"W...what's t...this?" She asked looking around

"Uhm...you're gonna be talking to a counselor today..."


I wanted so badly to tell her ok and drive away...but I knew I couldn't.

" It'll be fine baby" I said squeezing her thigh

"I...I can't" she said crying

This is breaking my heart...

I bit my lip looking at her.

"Y...you have to baby...it's gonna help...I promise to make it up to you...but please go in there and talk to her please...for me"

She stayed silent looking down

" baby..." I said moving hair out her face.

"Please take me home..."


"TAKE ME HOME!" She screamed banging on the dashboard

I sighed starting the car and pulling off.

"Baby..." I said grabbing her arm but she moved away storming upstairs slamming the room door.

I squeezed my eyes shut groaning.

"Fuck!!" I groaned

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