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"There's my little cutie" I said as Charles walked up to the lunch table

I stood up to hug him but he sat down leaning on the wall tiredly.

"What's wrong?" I asked squeezing his hand

" Mr.Valentre...he sat me next to Lexi..."


" In math...he say us next to eachother and she said someone about it strengthening her will to work...the fuck..."

I sucked my teeth.

"Just do your work and ignore her unless you're partners...because I will ask Aaron if you talk to her k?" I said rubbing his thigh

He smiled chuckling.

"I'm definitely not gonna be talking to her..." He said pullin me in his lap straddling him

I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck kissing him.

He helped my butt pulling me closer.

I pulled on his hair moaning quietly into his mouth.

He smiled slapping my butt gently making me giggle

"Uhhh ew" Aarons voice said from behind me.

I looked back giving him the middle finger before sitting back in my seat.

"Char Stawwp" I whined giggling as he licked my neck.

" I'm gonna be home aloneeee..."he whined holding my hips

"Really?" I asked

He nodded pouting.

" that sucks" I giggled

He pulled away looking down at me angrily.

"Maybe I'll invite Lexi over"

I stopped laughing and looked at him.

"Wow...was that supposed to be funny?...because it wasn't...you're an asshole" I shook my head walking away

"Babe!" He called but I ignored him walking out school and home

I would've gotten dropped off by my boyfriend but he's an asshole who makes spiteful jokes...asshole...

"ARI CHARLESS IS HERE!!!" Aaron yelled upstairs

"I DONT CAREEEE!!!" I yelled back rolling my eyes and looking at my phone

"ARIANNA COME EAT!!!" Mom yelled

This is a trap...but I am hungry so

I stood up and fixed my sweat shorts and stuck my phone in my pocket.

I walked downstairs into the kitchen and rolled my eyes at Charles and Aaron who sat in the livingroom.

I looked around the kitchen then at my mom confused.

"I thought dinner was ready"

"I wanna talk to you.." Momma said nodding me over to her

I walked into the kitchen and hopped in the counter confused.

" tú y Charles esta bien?" She asked

My mom used to speak a lot of Spanish so we grew up with both languages in our vocabulary and I listened closely so I basically can say a whole essay in Spanish...
" sí...que acaba de hacer una broma mal antes y me molestó" I shrugged

" Tú padre era el Mismo en un momento...quierìa empujarlo por una ventena" she said rolling her eyes

I laughed smiling.

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