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"Hang on, what?" Cedric asked, genuinely confused as he received an overload of information.

Olivia basically recited the past three or four months of her life to the boy in under five minutes, also adding in she's a Black and she's dating Draco.

Or been dating him for almost a month.

The two had kept it on the sly for a few weeks before they let the bombshell drop, Olivia decided today was the day and that she'd tell the older brotherly figure first.

"Please don't be mad." She cringed as she looked out towards the black lake.

"Why would I be mad?." Cedric laughed.

"Because I've kept it for so long."

"So because you've taken your time to come to terms with your new life and decided to enjoy something that made you happy before the entire castle found out I'm supposed to call you out for being a selfish git and never speak to you again?" He joked, raising a brow.

"That's not what I was saying."

"Your family situation is complicated and don't get me wrong Olivia I'm not particularly thrilled in your choice of boyfriend, but it's whatever makes you happy at the end of the day." He supported pulling the girl into a side hug and rubbing her arm. "But if he does anything, and I mean anything, to hurt you I will hunt him down."

"You're the best Ced."

"I know." He answered, a silence falling. "Good luck telling the Gryffindor's."

"Not now." She groaned, hitting the boys arm.

"Hey, ouch!"


"How'd it go?" Draco asked as he snuck up behind Olivia. The boy snaked his arms around her waist and placed a kiss to her temple.

"With Ced? Better than I thought." She admitted, turning her head to face him and sinking back into the boy.

"I told you." Serena mused.

"Told me what?" Olivia asked as she faced Serena who was bathing in the sun.

"That it would happen and that you two are meant for each other." She reviled causing Olivia to roll her eyes and blush.

She swatted the Wood's statement away with her arm as Draco turned the girl by her hips to face him, surprising her as he pressed his lips to hers. Olivia smiled into the kiss as her arms linked around the boys neck, them both pulling away when they heard gagging noises from the three behind them.

"Get a room, you dirty bastards." Alexis groaned.

"We had to deal with you and Blaise so now you can deal with us." Olivia sassed as Draco took her hand in his.

Olivia heard them before she could see them. Fred and George, closely followed by Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny.

"Here come the chivalry." Draco muttered sarcastically behind Olivia rolling his eyes at the Golden Trio and a few added extras.

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