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Chapter 20: We are young


"Olivia wait up!" She heard.

"What do you want?" She hissed, picking up the pace in her walking and readjusting the hold on her books.

"To apologise, we were out of line." Hermione pleaded, panting as she reaching her side.

"Glad you finally realised, only took you three weeks." Olivia snapped as she kept walking.

"Liv, please." Ron pleaded blocking her path. The girl groaned as the Golden Trio tried to reason with her, she clenched her jaw and shifted her weight from one foot to another. The three were lucky to catch her as she hadn't been seen by many after the recent events. Her eyes skimmed over the Gryffindor's before landing on Hermione again, she nodded her head once and the three all blurted out apologies at the same time.

Olivia rolled her eyes and grabbed them all, pulling them to a bench and dropping her books on the floor as she pulled off her Slytherin robe and adjusted her tie leaving her in her white school shirt and grey skirt. "One at a time, please." She spoke, this time in a softer tone than before. "I don't think my head can take it." She massaged her temples, sensing a headache coming on.

Hermione was the first one to talk, "Olivia I'm so sorry with the way I reacted, especially when I knew it was going to happen sooner or later." She blurted out, Olivia raised her eyebrow in surprise but then remembered that everyone had seemed to see it coming. Plus Hermione was a girl and girls noticed things like that, just like Olivia had noticed the feelings she had for the Weasely opposite them and vise versa.

"Is it serious?" Ron spoke up, leaning forward as he rubbed his hands together.

"I already told you it was." She answered, pushing a strand of hair away from her face and smiling slightly at the boy.

"Well if it is and you're happy than we're happy for you too, but if he hurts you I'll kill him myself." Ron said, sounding satisfied with the end sentence. Hermione nodded in agreement as she bumped shoulders with Ron. Olivia cast her eyes down to the darker haired boy sat in front of her who was paying no attention to the conversation.

"Harry?" She asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah, yeah - if its what you want then I-er I'm happy for you." He stuttered.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you that you're a shit liar Harry?" She said, eyeing him carefully, "...what's up?"

"Fine." He confirmed, standing up as the other three did the same.

"I mean that's not an answer but okay." Olivia gave Harry a weird look.

The group shared glances before they pulled each other into a hug. "Love you guys." Olivia muttered.


"Harry's acting differently, something's going on. I don't know if it's nerves for the third task in a few weeks, because we're all nervous. There's something not right here padfoot, I can feel it. It's like there's a wave of energy flowing around the castle, its not good energy but more bad.

I'm having more and more dreams, the visions are becoming more frequent and I don't even want to begin to explain how I got into both Harry's and Ron's mind at the same time. Without even uttering a single spell.

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