Chapter 3

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(Kevin's P.O.V)

Well I am now scared of Edd but that won't make me stop hating him.  I will stay hating him even if he is hot.... WHAT THE THE.... well I'm not wrong. I was arguing with myself and I didn't notice that Edd was sitting next to me when Nat, Ed, and Eddy left. He was waving his hand in my face and I jumped "Are you Ok?" Edd asked kinda worried "Ya you just scared me but don't get any ideas that I will be nice to You!" I said crossing my arms and pout a little with not meaning to. Edd laughed a little and I looked at at him with confusion "What?" I said He laughed some more "Its nothing... it's just everybody here is scared of me like I'm going to kill them but then you showed up and you are acting all bad and stuff and I'm just not use to it." Edd laughed and I laughed with him "So is that story true you gave some one a heart attack?" I said looking at Eds he stopped laughing at looked down at the ground "Yes but he had a weak heart anyways so it didn't really matter..... So um.... You are probably hungry let's go eat something since I only have vegan food here." Edd said getting up and put on his shoes and I did the same. We walked out and saw our neighbors "Hey Rolf and Rave!" Edd said waving at the people "Hello smart Ed-boy and who is that Rolf wants to know!" Rolf said pointing at me and I smiled "I'm Kevin." I said the boy with the black hair came out from behind Rolf that must be Rave "Hi I'm Rav-" Rave try to say what he was going to say but was cut off by Nat "Hey Rave you want to go out on a date?" Nat said kissing Rave on the cheek and that made me smile "Not today maybe tomorrow  because me and Rolf are going to check on his boyfriend." Rave said and Nat looked a little disappointed but he cheered up fast when he saw Edd and that made me a little... jealous? But i shouldn't be jealous I don't like guys... do I?

"Well we should go I think Kevin is really hungry since he is spacing out." Edd said grabbing my hand and pulling me before Nat asks Edd out. We walked put the school with our hands together and I think Edd notice because he pulled his hand out of mine. "Where do-" Edd was cut off by a motorcycle and it was mine "Dad?!" I yelled he turned off my motorcycle and hand the keys to me and looked at Edd "Why is a girl at the school and why is she wearing a hat? Are y'all together?" My dad said looking at Eds and Edd blushed when my dad asked of we were together. "Dad he goes here. He wears a hat for some reason and we are not together because he is a boy." I said, and Edd looked offended when I said we're not together because he is a boy but I ignored it. My dad saw the face Edd made "So you are gay? It's fine if you are because I know my son is gay." My dad said smiling "Dad I'm not gay!" I said my dad made a face that read sure-you're-not-gay I rolled my eyes and Edd laughed. "Ok well I have to go," my dad said getting in my car "make sure you use protection!! Bye!" Said my dad taking off with the window down "DAD!" I yelled blushing and Edd burst out laughing at what my dad said. I rolled my eyes and I got on my motorcycle. Edd finally stopped laughing and looked at me on the motorcycle waiting for him to get on "Do I have to go on that that thing?" Edd said almost passing out and I shook my head yes "Ok but go slow please." Edd said getting on shaking a little. I turned it on and Edd jumped and put his arms around my waist and held it tight. I blushed when he did so. I took off and he didn't let go of my waist. We got to the restaurant Edd told me to go too.

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