Chapter 8

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For everyone that has a problem with me calling vegan milk and eggs, just milk and eggs get the fuck out. My story not yours thank you!

(Edd's P.O.V)

I hate that I have to fall in love with Kevin and I only know him for 1 day! Just my luck.... well he is very nice.

I got up and left Kevin blushing and picked up my new hoodie. Oh I forgot I have on Kevin's hoodie, I will give it back. I walked back in the living room and Kevin was still blushing a little I threw him his jacket "Thanks" I said looking down blushing. Kevin looked at me and smirked and threw back his jacket at me "Keep it I have another green one like it!" Kevin said looking back at the T.V. I looked at his jacket that he threw at me and smile and put it in my closet and sat and the table with my computer and finished writing a book. Kevin got up and looked at what I was doing. "And he grabbed my hand," Kevin said grabbing my hand and spinning me around "And he looked at me in the eyes and said Will you go out with me?!" Kevin said getting on one knee, I rolled my eyes and looked at him "You are so immature for your age but I looked at him and said I would love to!" I said giggling and Kevin smirked and got up and kissed my hand "Ok after school at that restaurant that we went to yesterday!" Kevin said walking to our room and shutting the door. I was speechless, nobody ever asked me out before and this is new to me. I sat at the table and finished my book and read over it making sure everything was perfect and published it. I got up and yawned I looked at the time and it was 3:00 I guess I take a nap.

I woke up from my nap and I was in my bed with covers on me. I looked at the time 5:43 well I guess I get up. I got up and walked to the living room where Kevin was with... Nat. "Good evening gentlemen!" I said stretching. Nat smiled at me "Hey Double Cutie, so me and Rave got back from our date and I think it's time that me and Rave you.. know." Nat said winking at me. I looked at Kevin who seemed not to care and looked tired "Well go for it but make sure he is ok with it, and use protection!" I said crossing my arms "Geez Double Cutie you sound like a Mom!" Nat said putting on his shoe and walking out the door "Bye guys!" Nat said waving and Kevin smiled but didn't a say a word "Bye Nathan I want to see protection on you!" I yelled and Nat blushed and left. I looked at Kevin who was practically falling asleep. I sigh loudly and smiled "Kevin did you eat?" I said looking at him with my arms still cross.... maybe Nat's right I do sound like a mom. Kevin looked at me with a wide smile "Nope because I want you-" "Ok Kevin bed time for you!" I said cutting him off quickly before he finished his sentence. He got up and put on hos Pjs and I made me a sandwich. I hate cheat day for vegans (Ok I was wondering since I don't know a lot about vegans and my ex she is one but forgot what do vegans eat?!) it's stupid. I got up and changed and washed my teeth and hurried up and changed my beanie into a sleeping one. I got in bed with Kevin who was fast asleep. Kevin cuddled next to me putting his arm around my waist and snuggled close. I fell asleep in his brace.

I woke up and looked at Kevin who was still asleep. Ugh first day of school this is going to be something. Kevin woke up to me looking at him. I blushed and looked away "Awww cute you were watching me sleep, Oh how did we end up this close?" Kevin said kossijng my neck and I pushed him away. "Kevin its time to get ready for school and don't kiss me!" I said getting up and he pulled me back down "Can we stay in bed for like 5 minutes?!" Kevin begged I shook my head no "Nope now get up and by the time I'm done taking a shower you better be up and ready to go?!" I said/yelling he rolled his eyes and layed back down "Got it Mom!" Kevin said putting his red hat on that he wears almost all the time. I pulled my beanie down and took a bath and put on our uniforms. They were blue vest with black dress jeans and you can wear whatever shoes and I always but on my black converse. I hurried and put on my beanie and walked out and saw Kevin wearing the same but with red high tops that match the logo. He grabbed his black backpack and I grabbed my brown "man purse" and we walked to our classes.

We got to Math class "Hello everybody my name is Mr.Always and I will be your Math teacher for the rest of your 2 or 3 years here!" Mr. Always said smiling. Mr.Always is wear a nice black suit with a purple the to match his sky blue eyes, I have ocean blue eyes. "Ok class I would like to go around and want y'all to tell bla bla bla bla bla..." Mr.Alays was saying something but I could focus because I was paying attention to Kevin who was talking to Nat. "And who are you?!" Mr.Always said looking at me. I looked up and gave him a death glare "I'm Eddward Vincent but call me Edd please!" I said almost yelling he smirked at me and was talking but Eddy taped my shoulder and I looked at him "Did you hear that Rolf is in the hospital that's why Ed is not here. Ed is taking care of his boy." Eddy said whispering in my ear.

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