Chapter 12

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(Edd's P.O.V)

I really don't like Nat but he is my friend and I love him but he can be a pain.

Me and Kevin pulled away looking at Nat who Kevin threw out of our room and sat back down on the couch. We started laughing and we looked at each other in the eye. "Kevin why did you chose me to be your boyfriend?" I said almost crying. "Well because I love the way you get mad at almost everything." Kevin said kissing my cheek and put me on  his lap. "I love your eyes" Kevin said kissing my cheek bone. "I love your hair and yes I saw it off and you look super cute with out it." Kevin said taking my beanie off and I blushed out of embarrassment. Kevin smirked "I love it when you put your hands on your side because your hips show" Kevin said grabbing my hips and pulling me closer to him. "And I love the way your lips feel on mine because they feel right." Kevin said kissing me on the lips and I kissed back with out hesitation and we deepened the kiss. Kevin pulled away and I blushed and looked away. Kevin granddad my chin and mad me look at him. He looked at me straight in the eye and kissed my neck "K-Kevin to soon ahhh-" I was cut off by Kevin sucking on my sweet spot. Kevin licked it and sucked it. I pulled away blushing and Kevin looked at me with sadness in his eyes but I kissed him on the lips and pulled away "To early my love." I said and sigh but he smiled and kissed me and I rested my head on his shoulder and we stayed in that position till Eddy burst in and dragged me by my shirt off of my love. "Touch him again!" Eddy said and Kevin got up and pulled me by my hand and made me go on his side. Not again... ugh these two are going to give me a headache. "OK DO WE HAVE TO DO THIS AGAIN?!" I yelled at them and making them jump. Eddy shook his head no and Kevin did the same. "Why did you even yell at me?" Kevin said crossing his arms and sitting on the couch and I sat next to him really close. "Because... I needed to tell at some one!" Eddy said sitting down on the floor. "What's wrong?!" I said caring for my Best friend. Eddy looked up at us and but on a small smile but that went away when we heard John voice and ran in me and Kevin room and ran to Eddy "Listen... I'm sorry about Alex he can be a dick and I want to be with you but my brother can get... angry easily!" John said out of breath by chasing Eddy "No JOHN YOU listen to me, if your brother says no to your chose then you stand up but you didn't when he said 'You can't date a boy!'!!!" Eddy said getting up from where he was sitting me and Kevin got up to and watched the show. John looked down and started crying "I know Eddy but... but he-" "HE FUCKING WHAT JOHN WAIT JUST FORGET IT GO TO HELL!!" Eddy said screaming at the crying boy. Ok that it time for me to step in. "OK YOU TWO SIT ON THE COUCH, NOW!!" I screamed at them and they obeyed and did as I said. I gave them my death glare "Explain NOW!" O said making Kevin jump and he went sit behind me on the recliner. "Ok so me and John started dating yesterday and we were going to tell his brother. So today we told his brother Alex who is really homophobic and told John that he can't date me and John agreed and looked down and that got me pissed and Alex smirked and said that's a good boy John listening to your older brother and not dating a fag. And John nodded and looked at me and broke up with me and I told him to never talk to me or else and John started crying and we got into a fight." Eddy said trying the best he could not to cry. John looked down at the ground with shame and regret. Kevin looked and back at the boys "Ok that's stupid John you can make your own choices in life and your brother can't say anything to you about them. And Eddy calm down next time but John that was stupid for what you did." Kevin said putting his head on my shoulder and rapping his arms around my waist. Eddy looked at John "So I'm sorry I got mad at you and all." Eddy said quietly but he meant it because he wasn't force to say it and John knew to. "Its fine and I should of said something and not of broken up with you... I'm really sorry!" John said throwing him self at Eddy crying and they walked out of our dorm. Kevin smiled and we sat on the couch clubbing. "If you break up with me ever I will fine you and kill you and for cheating to got it." I said smiling and Kevin smiled to "Got it babe and if you ever cheated on me of broke up with me I will do the same." Kevin said kissing me on the lips. Thank God school was out tomorrow because the principals birthday was tomorrow. Kevin looked at me weird "Edd so uhh when will we have sex?" Kevin said looking at me straight in the eye. I never really think of sex "Well uhhh I don't know when we k ow more about each other." I said smiling and he nodded his head and focus back on the TV, and I saw why he asked that question he was watching a romantic movie. I rolled my eyes and curled up next to him.

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