Chapter 21

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(Kevin's P.O.V)

Blake stood there looking at me with sadness ugh why is this happening to me. I can't do this having the boy that I love here and the other one that i broke up with and still kinda love him in the same room.

"That's it ok Blake, I loved you you left me I found Edd and I love Edd more than you because he didn't leave me but you did and it hurt. I am asking you to leave, now please." I said yelling almost. Blake cried and ran out and I looked at Edd who was smirking. I looked at him and he knew, that I needed time. "Ok well I'm going to Eddy's dorm. I love Kevin, a lot please be ok and what ever you do, I still love you." Edd said kissing me and walking out.

I walked in me and Edd's room and sat on the bed, why me?!

(Edd's P.O.V)

I walked out. Ugh he just had to come back I hate it so much but I know he needs time to think and I support what Kevin does.

I walked in Eddy dorm. It reeked of smoke. "EDDY!" I said and Eddy ran out his room and looked at me. I notice he was in his boxers. "Um.... Eddy put on some clothes!" Eddy nodded and ran in his room. I started cleaning up his dorm and John walked out in clothes. "Hey Edd I almost thoughta girl screamed Eddy's name." John said helping me. Eddy walked out in some clothes and smiled at me " Edd it's been forever how ya been?" Eddy said hugging me and I hugged back. We pulled away and smiled at each other.

I told him all what happened and Eddy didn't seem happy. "Well why did ya leave shovel chin by him self?! His ex is back and he might be having sex with him right this very minute!!" Eddy said and I rolled my eyes "EDDY Blake broke his heart I don't think he will do you know with him." I said and John smiled "You know what Edd, you were right about leaving Kevin to think. Hey you know what I'm going to call Nat to see if he would like to cheer up Kevin." John said and I nodded.

(Kevin's P.O.V)

I was crying on the bed and I heard a knock on the door. "GO AWAY! FOR RIGHT NOW!!" I yelled and Nat bust though the door and ran in the room and jumped in the bed "Draw me like one of your French ladys!" Nat said winking at me and I laughed. Nat told me why he came. Thanks Edd.

We shut the door and sat on the sofa and watched T.V and talked about what happened "Kevin my first husband" "What you mean first," "None of your business lol. Just know that Edd loves you more than him and you two are perfect for each other. Edd never wants you to feel that way. Blake just wants you because your family is rich." "Bitch, Edd's rich not me" "Well same thing." Nat said and we laughed.

It was 11:00 and Edd is staying over at Eddy's. Blake is at his Aunts house and Nat is staying over because since Blake is my crazy ex we have to watch out.

Nat and me are watching Sherlock. "Nat, Jim Moriarty is amazing!" "Ya right, John is better!" Nat said crossing his arms. I rolled my eyes.

It s morning and Nat is spooning my leg. I rolled my eyes and got him off. It's 10:00 and Edd text me at 8

Edd😙: Kevin can I come to the dorm?

Me: Sure.

Edd😙: I texted you at 8 why weren't you up?!    Sorry Eddy's been telling me that Blake and you are having sex.

Me: Don't worry babe I will never cheat on you with an ass like him. Plus I have Nat don't forget. We stayed up till 5 in the morning watching Sherlock, love you bye.

Edd😙: Ok love you too, bye.

Edd came and took a shower and changed into a red shirt, purple skinny jeans and put his stupid beanie back on his head, but he did put on my hoodie so I wasn't that mad that he put his beanie on. He kissed me and told me he had to get food for me. I took a shower and put on a green long sleeve shirt and black skinny jeans. Nat woke up and changed into some of my clothes.

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