Chapter 17

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Depression, cuting and suicidal thoughts in this chapter!
(Edd's P.O.V)

We got to the aquariumand saw Chris. Kevin made a face and brought us away from Chris but Chris saw us and him and his group came up to us. "Well well the fags are here." Chris said looking us smirking. Kevin pulled me behind him "Listen Chris we are on a date and we don't need your ugly ass face ruining it got it!" Kevin said grabbing my arm and pulling us away from Chris's group. We got some where, where not a lot of people were at. I looked around and we were surrounded by sharks and it was amazing, I love sharks so much! I looked at Kevin "Thanks for bringing me here, I love it!" I said giving him a peck on the lips and looked back at the sharks. Kevin put his arm around my waist "You're welcome Edd, anything for my boyfriend!" Kevin said kissing me "Ewww FAGS!!!" A girl said laughing. Kevin pulled away and looked at her "I'm sorry but did I say you can speak to us.... no so shut up bitch!" Kevin said missing me again and I pulled away looking around and everybody in the area was staring at us "Um... Kevin let's go some where else... please." I said blushing from embarrassment, Kevin looked at me confused but anger took place. "Why? Because you are embarrass because we are a couple?!" Kevin said looking at me mad and crossed his arms "Well Edd?!" Kevin said looking at me. I covered my face from the people who were looking at us. Why is Kevin acting like this, I mean ya I am but not like that. "Ya but its-" "Omfg I knew it!" Kevin saidnwalkinv away. Why is he acting like this.

I started crying, I looked at Kevin who was walking away mad and crying a bit. I chased after him but he drove off on his motorcycle. I started crying more... Why is he acting like this... I hate him!

I walked home and started raining, really raining?! I looked at my phone and started texting Kevin.

Me: Kevin why are you acting like this?!

Kevin❤: Fuking because you don't want people staring at us because we are on a date... Fuck it Edd you don't even want us to be seen probably, God I knew I shouldn't of fell in love with you, you are just like Blake!

Me: Kevin I'm sorry I just don't like when people are staring at me... wait who's Blake?

Kevin❤:  None of your fucking business!

I looked up from my phone and cries. I called Eddy since he is doing nothing, and I know for a fact that he isn't "Hey Eddy come pick me up I'm at (Place) please" "Why? Shares shovel chin?" "He got mad at me and left me at the aquarium and I tried walking home but its to far please pick me up." "Sure but shovel chin is dead!" Eddy said hanging up. I want to die... I need pain... i need Kevin! I started crying. Eddy picked me up and went to the school and don't care go to my dorm. I went in Eddy and Ed's dorm crying. I sat on the couch crying on Eddy's shoulder. Ed made me some coffee and raped me in blankets and got me some ice cream and Eddy put it on a movie. Eddy want and check on Kevin but he wasn't in our dorm and I got worried. It was 8 and Kevin wasn't in the dorm.

I got ready for bed. I laid in my bed and got the razor blade and cut 10 cuts in my arm. 1...*cut* 2...*cut* and so on. Blood got on the blankets but I didn't care. I was hurt, I don't care how bad Kevin past was he didn't have to leave me... I love him so much. Blood was every where, tears were every where and my heart's  shattered pieces were everywhere. I want to die. I don't want to live. I can't do it with out you Kevin... please I need you... please.

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