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This is just for fun.

(Edd's P.O.V)

Idk why I like Edd more than the rest of the Cal-da-sac?!?

I walked to the library to meet up with Kevin. Kevin is that popular jock that gets all the girls and who is a stuck-up... but I am in love with him. We use to be really good friends but we went our separate ways when it was our first day of high school. I walked in the library and looked around for Kevin and he was sitting way in back of the library at the table where I forgot that they had that. I sat at the table and Kevin was asleep, typical. I threw a textbook down and it made a loud bang and Kevin shot up and hit me in the stomach. "Oh sorry Edd!" Kevin said looking at me. A tear ran down my face and he wiped it off and I slapped his hand "Don't touch me, good Lord that hurts owww." I said grabbing my stomach and Kevin looked at me with sadness "Let me see." Kevin said pulling up my shirt, not all the way but just enough to see you the bruise that he left on my stomach. He smirked and kissed it "Better?" Kevin said getting really close to my face and I pushed him away. "Don't kiss me or I will scream!" I said yelling. Nobody was in the library and at the school plus everybody here trust me. Kevin looked at me with confusion "Why can't I kiss you? Dont you like ME?" Kevin said crossing his arms and leaning on his chair. "First of all I do like you and second of you just scared me a bit." I said looking down in embarrassment. Kevin smirked at me and leaned in and kissed me and kissed back. He pulled away and picked me up and pushing me on the wall and kissing me roughly on the lips. We deepened the kiss by him licking the bottom of my lip, and I open my mouth to let him stick his tongue in my mouth. He traveled in my mouth and you pulled away and looking at me straight in the eye. He put his leg against my hard member and started rubbing against it making me moan. Kevin stoped and kissed me before he went down and he pulled my pants and underwear off. He grabbed my member and put it in his mouth and sucked on it. I grabbed his hair making him go faster, and I was reaching my climax and he stoped "Kevin w-why dis y-you stop!?" I said moaning a little. Kevin looked at me smirking "What did you call me?" Kevin said kissing my neck leaving a hickey "Daddy why did you stop I want you to suck me" I said Kevin smirked and kissed me on the lips and picked my legs up and slam me on the wall and rubbed his member on mine. He took off his pants and shirt and took off my shirt too. Kevin put his fingers by the entrance of my mouth "Suck it kitten" Kevin said putting his hand around my member and pumping me while I suck his finger wet. He pulled out and stopped pumping me and suck a finger in me making me moan a bit. Kevin added two more fingers and thrustes in me with them "Ahhh daddy I want you in me please!" I said moaning, and Kevin smirked at what I said and looked at me straight in the eye "Call me by my name I want to hear you scream it!" Kevin said putting his member in me all the way. He waited for me to get use to it but that wasn't long. I moved my hips and he rammed into me making moan "Ahhh Kevin!!" I yelled his name witch made him go faster and faster and he hit my spot "AHHH KEVIN THEIR PLEASE FUCK ME KEVIN!!" I yelled/moaned and Kevin went faster in me. "AHHHH KK-KEVIN I'm going to-" and I came before I can even finished my sentence and not go long Kevin came too. We hurried and put on our clothes before anybody saw us and we sat at the table blushing "Edd I love you." Kevin said blushing and looking at. I look at him and smiled and kissed his cheek "Love you too Kevin!" I said and Ed walked to us and so did Eddy "Next time y'all want to fuck go home!" Eddy said fake gagging and Ed smiled at me "I thought alien chickens from mars got you double d!" Ed said hugging me and I hugged back and Eddy rolled his eyes.

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