Chapter 4

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(Edd's P.O.V)

I can't help but to feel like I was falling for a boy because I'm gay even my friends know it, heck the whole school knows it. That's the reason why I get bully. We got to the restaurant I told Kevin, it was fancy but not really. I walked to the lady who worked here her name is Sarah she is Ed's sister "Hey Sarah table for two Please!" I said she looked at me and smiled wide and ran and hugged me since it's been 2 months since I saw her "Hey Double D it's been forever!" Said Sarah hugging me a little longer and pulled away looking at Kevin with a smirk "Sure thing! Do y'all want a candle and wine?" Sarah said smirking at us. I blushed at what she said and looked at Kevin who i guess was blushing too? "N-no this isn't a date why do you ask?" Kevin said looking at me and Sarah giggled "Well because Edd is gay and plus you are cute! Wait you didn't know Edd was gay?!" Sarah said with shock and Kevin looked at me with confusion but then smiled "Well it's good to know he's gay it will be easier to fall for me!" Kevin said winking at me. I felt my face heat up, I bet my face is super red. Sarah giggled and showed up to our table witch was a booth in the corner of the restaurant she winked at me and Kevin smirked at me and all I did was blush like a mad-man.

Sarah handed out menus "Ok Nazz will be with you shortly." Sarah said walking away I looked at Kevin "Why did you say that?" I said quietly still looking at him but in the eyes now. Kevin smiled a little "Because I wanted her to shut up."Kevin said looking in my eyes we stayed looking in our eyes till I look away "Kevin I thought you didn't like gays, since earlier you said that we were boys an-" I was cut off by Kevin "Look Edd I was shocked that my dad said those things and I didn't know what to say. I'm sorry and I'm bisexual.... I think." Kevin said though I didn't quite hear the last part, but he said he was bi but still I was still mad he said that "Well don't think I'm not mad now Sarah probably thinks we are together!" I almost yelled at Kevin who only looked at me and smiled "So-" "No Kevin we just met and I don't want to!" I said knowing what he was going to ask he looked a little disappointed but he smiled widely "Fine but by Valentine's next month you will already be mine!" Kevin said crossing his arms but I want you but I barley know you. "Is that a bet?" "Yes and if not than I move to another room but if so than... You know." Kevin said wiggling his eyebrows. I blushed at what he said. " Ok deal!" I said shaking his hand and Nazz finally came "Sorry Edd, I was talking to my boss.... who's that?" Nazz said in a harsh tone "I'm his future boyfriend Kevin!" Kevin said still having his arms cross. I rolled my eyes and Nazz smiled and took our order for drinks, I got a hot tea and Kevin got cold sweet tea. We talked about our family's and other stuff... We have nothing in common but we are interested in what we're saying. We order out food and Kevin got a burger and I got vegan chicken, vegan chicken is not that bad but it's kinda gross.

"Hey babe," "Don't call me that Kevin." "Sure whatever you say babe. Can I try your um... chicken?" Kevin said already getting a fork and taking a chicken. Kevin looked at me to make sure and I nodded a yes. Kevin smiled and ate the chicken a spit it back up. "Gross what is this?" Kevin said taking a drink. I smirked "Its vegan chicken." I said giggling like a little kid that just got candy. Kevin .are a disgusted face and continue eating his Burger.

We went to the park and want to the movies and went back to the school.

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