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Brandon's P.O.V:

I didn't stay to hear the final results. I know that I'm through to the next round. There was only one thing on my mind, after that phone call I knew that I had to go to one place.

The hospital.

I have an apology to make and I'm going to make it now.

I ran to Westchester hospital. The receptionist asked me if I was okay. I said that I was fine but I wanted to visit someone.

RECEPTIONIST: "Oh of course, he hasn't had many visitors. To be more precise, only one girl has visited him the entire time that he's been hospitalized here."

BRANDON: "Thanks, what room?"

RECEPTIONIST: "Room 24601"

BRANDON: "Thanks again."

After searching the entire hospital I found the room.

I hoped that this had been a real phone call, that I wasn't just imagining it... That my friend is okay.

I opened the door and what do I see?

Maxwell Negrini, has awoken from his coma!

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Maxwell Negrini, has awoken from his coma!

MAXWELL: "I knew you couldn't resist running over here."

So much for a normal hello...

BRANDON: "Maxwell... You're okay! You look different... Is that a new haircut?"

MAXWELL: "Ha, ha, very funny. I've decided to cut it shorter. Come on, don't be so obvious Roberts! I know that you're wondering why I'm wearing this eye patch."

BRANDON: "Kinda, yeah."

MAXWELL: "I thought I'd start a new life as a pirate. The coma taught me a lot of things."

BRANDON: "Really?"

MAXWELL: "Of course not! One moment you're on a pier in Miami trying to fight several thugs. Next thing you know, WHAM! Someone got me and started kicking my head like a soccer ball.
I'm lucky to be alive they say, but I'm now blinded in one eye.
Are the girls okay? Is Nikki okay? Did you save her?"

BRANDON: "Y-Yes, they're fine. I saved Nikki."

MAXWELL: "Then my sacrifice was worth it."

Sacrifice... I can't believe that he would give his left eye for Nikki's safety. His love for her kinda scares me.

But in saving her, I left him alone to fight them. It's my fault he became comatose.

BRANDON: "Listen... I'm really sorry for what I did."


BRANDON: "Because of what I did, I left you alone. It's all my fault!"

MAXWELL: "Geez, don't start crying Roberts. You saved Nikki and that's what matters most. I knew you would make the right choice."

BRANDON: "Thanks. Welcome back, Maxwell."

MAXWELL: "It's great to be back! Now what is this contest?"

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