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Brandon's P.O.V:

The last few hours have been some of the most agonizing hours of my life. Having to witness the one that I love go through so much pain was unbearable. I don't know what to think anymore...

It was Christmas day, the doctor said that the baby could come anyday now and we were waiting for it.

I was overjoyed 7 months ago when I got married to Nikki and she told me at our wedding that she was 2 months pregnant. The thought of being a father and being a husband was exciting.

Then Nikki told me that the baby was coming. Immediately I was thrown into a panic, but I was able to get my car ready to take her to Westchester hospital. The same Westchester hospital in which I was born.

Damn traffic moves for no man. Clusters of cars awaiting the lights to turn green. And my car was one of them.

Thankfully, we made it in time before any damage had been done.

Nikki was taken immediately to the maternity wing of the hospital and I was told to wait in the waiting room before I was to be asked for assistance. During that time I called EVERYONE to alert them of the situation. And they all arrived in no time.

Max C

They all came.

CHLOE: "Brandon we came as soon as we could, is Nikki okay?"

ZOEY: "We're really worried about her. Have you heard any news yet?"

BRANDON: "I wish that I could say that I have. But there have been no updates about Nikki's condition so far. I'm as worried as you guys are."

NURSE: "Excuse me Mr Roberts?"

BRANDON: "Yes, is Nikki okay?"

NURSE: "I'm sorry to tell you this, but your wife is currently in an unstable condition and we cannot predict whether or not she or your baby will survive this."

BRANDON: "WHAT?! No... No that's impossible!!!"

NURSE: "In case the worst is going to happen, I would advise that you stay by her side for support."

BRANDON: "Thank you Nurse. But let me just clarify... You're saying that..."

NURSE: "I'm sorry, but at this current moment... It's either your wife OR your baby who is going to survive."

My heart plummeted from the same height as a 200 story building. I ran into there as fast as I could.

BRANDON: "Nikki, everything is going to be fine. You're going to pull through this, I know that you will. Both you and our baby are going to survive this."

NIKKI: "Brandon...please...don't... worry about me... Worry about our baby."

BRANDON: "I won't lose you! I won't lose you like I have lost everybody else in my life.
And even my former best friend...MAXWELL.

NURSE: "Mr Roberts, it would be advised that you do not shout. Your wife is in a very unstable condition."

BRANDON: "I understand, can I at least hold her hand?"

NURSE: "Of course you can. Just don't let go of her, she needs you more than anyone else right now."

BRANDON: "Okay." *holds Nikki's hand*

It was awful... Watching her go through so much pain. All of my strength, all of my courage, all of my hope fading away. I knew that its inevitable that I'm going to lose one of them... And of all days on Christmas...

I wanted to just die. I begged for God to take me instead and let both Nikki and our child survive. It was all too much...

And just as a spark of hope was fizzled out instantly...

Nikki lost consciousness...

My will to live had vanished instantly. I said to myself in my head over and over again...

'My confession should have been rejected...'

If my confession at the final dance had been rejected then Nikki wouldn't have had to go through so much pain over the years...

Dealing with public humiliation at the student of stars contest.

Maxwell's disappearance.

Her parents disowning her.

It's all my fault... Because I confessed. Because I ran to the dance that night thinking that I could be some kind of hero.

I'm sorry Nikki...

I'm really really sorry for putting you through so much pain...

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