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Nikki's P.O.V:

New York city is just so glamorous! They call it the city that never sleeps.


I would love to live here one day!

NIKKI: "Thanks for showing me around, Maxwell!"

MAXWELL: "It's no problem."

NIKKI: "I'm surprised that you knew so much about the city, it's like you're a human GPS or something."

MAXWELL: "Well, it's a long story. I guess I used to live here and I'll leave it at that."

NIKKI: "You used to live in the city? Wow! You're so lucky!"

MAXWELL: "Yeah, lucky..."

NIKKI: "Tell me, why do I have to wear this face mask?"

MAXWELL: "There's a lot of tourists in the city, it looks like people have come from all over the world to see the show."

NIKKI: "You think so? I guess that's the power of Trevor Chase's marketing strategies."

MAXWELL: "Exactly, he's no amateur. If he can turn a mediocre band like the Bad Boyz into a worldwide sensation, then he can do anything."

NIKKI: "Hey! Don't hate on the Bad Boyz! They're so cute and talented."

MAXWELL: "I don't see the appeal. Besides there are way more people that are cuter and more talented than them."

NIKKI: "Like Brandon?"

MAXWELL: "...Y-Yeah. If you say so."

NIKKI: "The streets look so busy, are you sure that I need a mask like this?"

MAXWELL: "The moment they know who you are, Nikki, they will swarm you for autographs. This isn't a time for work, this is a time to relax."

NIKKI: "You're right. It's nice to cool down and relax sometimes. Taking in the sights of the city really does that."

MAXWELL: "Yeah."

NIKKI: "Huh?"

MAXWELL: "What's wrong?"

NIKKI: "Those two look like tourists. I think they're trying to ask for help or something?"

MAXWELL: "Looks like they're getting nowhere."

NIKKI: "Let's help them."

MAXWELL: "Let me handle it, you need to stay hidden."

NIKKI: "Don't worry it's fine."

We approached the two tourists. One was a boy wearing a jacket with long hair covering one of his eyes.
The other was a girl with yellow eyes and bright orange hair.

BOY: "E-Excuse me."


BOY: "We're tourists here from Tokyo. We're kinda lost and don't know how to get back to our hotel."

GIRL: "..."

BOY: "It's okay, don't be shy. I can speak English, remember?"

MAXWELL: "You're from Tokyo, huh? You speak good English."

BOY: "Thank you. My father actually works here as a diplomat."

MAXWELL: "..."

NIKKI: "Maxwell?"

MAXWELL: "Huh? Oh, I'm fine, sorry. That's a...nice job. Are you here to visit him?"

BOY: "No, we're here as part of a musical exchange program this month."

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