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Nikki's P.O.V:

NIKKI: "Wait Brandon."

BRANDON: "What is it Nikki?"

NIKKI: "I was wondering... Where are we running away to?"

BRANDON: "I kinda forgot to tell you that I was given permission by Betty and Phil to runaway. They told me that I have a cousin who lives in New York City."

NIKKI: "Wait... We're going to New York City?!"

BRANDON: "Why not? I mean it's the city that symbolises the American dream. Anyone can make it there if they truly try."

NIKKI: "Okay Brandon that's fine. I know that if we stay together, we're unstoppable."

BRANDON: "I know Nikki... I know."

NIKKI: "Great! But there's something that I want to do first."

BRANDON: "That's fine by me. What is it?"

NIKKI: "I know that if I keep a certain possession with me, I will never let go of the past."

BRANDON: "Wait... You don't mean that..."

NIKKI: "Yes Brandon, I have to get rid of my diary."

BRANDON: "But. Your diary is your most prized possession."

NIKKI: "I know and that's why I'm going to bury it, right here."

BRANDON: "Underneath this tree?"

NIKKI: "Exactly. So that one day, if we have children of our own... They will come to this very spot and dig it up to read exactly what we have been through."

BRANDON: "That's understandable Nikki. I'm with you, let's start digging that hole. There's an old shoebox over here that we can use to keep it from getting ruined."

NIKKI: "You're always such a caring person. And that's why I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

BRANDON: "You're one to talk."

And as we finally buried my diary. We shared a kiss, it was like we were kissing our past goodbye as we ventured forth towards our new life...together.

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