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Brandon's P.O.V:

We're back home I guess...
Only this time we're living a more luxurious life in a mansion.

I'm not very comfortable with returning here, but that is what Nikki wants and I would do anything for her.

It's been so long, everyone would have graduated by now and since we have had no contact with them since the day Nikki and I ran away... The odds of reuniting with anyone are against us.

Maybe it's for the best, maybe they have changed after all this time and just maybe we shouldn't reunite after all.

But that's crazy talk. Those guys were like family to me and I can't doubt them for one second.

NIKKI: "The city is much bigger than it used to be."

BRANDON: "Yeah, that only decreases our chances of reuniting with our friends."

NIKKI: "Please don't say that. I just know that they're still here, I can sense their presence."

BRANDON: "So you're some kind of Jedi now or something?"

NIKKI: "Not really, but that would be really cool."

BRANDON: "Theo and Marcus were huge fans of Star Wars. It seems like since we moved here, I'm just being reminded about everyone that we used to know... Theo, Marcus, Violet, Chloe, Zoey, Max Crumbly, Marcy and I guess that's about it."

NIKKI: "But what about Ma-"

BRANDON: "Mackenzie?"

NIKKI: "No, I'm talking about Max-"

BRANDON: "Max Crumbly? I'm pretty sure that I didn't forget to mention him."

NIKKI: "Please let me finish... I'm talking about Maxwell."


NIKKI: "Don't play dumb with me. You know that Maxwell is the guy that brought us together in the first place but then he left and he told us to forget about him... Oh."

BRANDON: "I'm sorry Nikki, I don't know who that person is."


Nikki's P.O.V:


I know that he told us to forget about him... But he left so much behind.

And now he's gone and we will never see him again.

I can't forget about you Maxwell, and deep down I know that Brandon can't either.

I wish that one day, we can cross paths once again.

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