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Brandon's P.O.V:

Patrick Clarke.

The guy who has bullied his way to become the leader of the male CCPs.

Before he arrived, there wasn't a male CCP branch. That was until he decided to assemble an entourage of all the male students considered to be Cute, Cool or Popular.

I don't see why they wanted to recruit me. I'm not scared of Patrick or his band of cronies.

I don't care what ties he has to companies or what ties he has in his closet.

I'm not in a very happy mood, Patrick. You talk about how you have pristine taste in music, but nobody cares. It's put up or shut up time.

Hmm... Nikki isn't here, I guess she's tired after her performance against Maxwell.

It doesn't matter.

I don't need anyone to motivate me this time. Because this is something personal...

Everyone out there is counting on me to expose Patrick Clarke for the fraud he really is. I don't care what the male CCPs or Patrick do in retaliation, they're just all talk anyways.

Here I go...

That was for everyone you've made life a living hell for PATRICK!!!

He sang a classic?
No I don't mean the song 'Classic' by MKTO...

But he sang a classical song?!
And I feel like I've heard that song from somewhere before but I can't remember, it was on some commercial or something.

Never mind.

I've done the best I could, and Patrick has finished, too. All I can do is wait for the fallout.

But now that I mention it, Patrick said that he found our taste in music "appalling" since we were singing a lot of popular songs of this musical era.

Do the judges like classical music?! If they do...

I'm a goner.

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