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Narrative P.O.V:

ANDRÉ: "Rise and shine Nicole Maxwell."

NIKKI: "Huh? Where am I?!"

ANDRÉ: "You're in the same place that poor Robert was brought as he saw what had happened to you. So funny to think he was actually still in the stadium!"

NIKKI: "André..."

ANDRÉ: "Ding ding ding. That's right! I'm André, the guy who humiliated you in front of the entire world. The guy who sent both Brandon and Maxwell to kill each other."

NIKKI: "Why? Why would you do something so cruel?!"

ANDRÉ: "My reasons are deeper than the ocean! Not that you would understand."

NIKKI: "But you said how smart I was... How I could enter the Parisi-"

ANDRÉ: "How easy it was to manipulate you, Nicole. There was never a Parisian Education Scheme to begin with! I can't believe that you would bring all of your prize money here too!"

NIKKI: "My prize money?"

ANDRÉ: "It was the perfect fuel for my fireplace!"

NIKKI: "..."

ANDRÉ: "Yes, give me that look of hopelessness! I long for that feeling of despair!"

NIKKI: "...I won't give it to you!"

ANDRÉ: "Pfft, now you're acting defiant? You're completely restrained to a chair, at my mercy."

NIKKI: "So what?!"

ANDRÉ: "Shut up.
Now it all started, when I was born. My mother is a famous journalist and she one day decided to have an affair with my father. That man was Jules Artois, a former French UN diplomat. And then 9 months later, I arrived into the world. My mother never paid attention to me since she was always at work. But one day I heard that daddy dearest had a baby with French royalty. That baby was Robert Artois."

NIKKI: "Brandon?!"

ANDRÉ: "Of course, you know dear brother don't you? The fact that Jules would have an affair whilst his royal French wife was already pregnant is despicable. Watch out in case Brandon has his genes."

NIKKI: "Brandon would never do anything like that! But what you're saying is that you're Brandon's half-brother?"

ANDRÉ: "Exactly, the child that my father actually wanted. Not some...bastard child like me. And that was so mean of him. So you know what I did? I had a meeting with someone called Alessandro Nero. I arranged to place a hit on daddy dearest, his awful wife and my own brother."

NIKKI: "That horrible event... You caused it?! You caused so much pain for everyone involved?!"

ANDRÉ: "Indeed, but it was supposed to end there. I thought for years that Robert was dead and that the Nero family had perished in a police raid."

NIKKI: "You've caused so much death and destruction.. YOU'RE A MONSTER!"

ANDRÉ: "Of course. But what about MY feelings huh? What about the feelings that I HAD?! They were crushed because one night daddy dearest and mommy decided to get together. I wasn't even planned! My entire existence is accidental. It's not very motivating for me knowing that."

NIKKI: "It must be horrible for you, but that's no excuse to kill peop-"

As I was saying. Mommy finally settled down with a new flame. The Mayor of Westchester Peter Davenport. And I let it slide as I earned his trust. I even earned access to the city treasury and secret files. You can't imagine how shocked I was to find out that BOTH ROBERT and DANTE were still alive! I was angry, I knew that Dante must have had a soft heart since he went under a new alias 'Maxwell Negrini'. He must have spared Robert who had then been adopted by Betty and Phil Roberts the owners of Fuzzy Friends animal rescue center. I was angry, I bided my time until the right moment."

NIKKI: "But why would the mayor give his stepson the key to the city?"

"Oh, we'll get to that. I monitored Maxwell and Brandon's progress in WCD. They both were rather fond of a young girl called 'Nikki Maxwell' *gasp* that's you! I let them fall into conflict only to see Maxwell spare Brandon the sword once again. Then I saw a little video uploaded about you and Brandon singing, how cute! Paying a bunch of people to boost the viewership on that video was SOOOOOOOO easy! It made Trevor Chase want to create a contest, stupid fool. He even gave you a vacation to Miami. I figured that this would be the PERFECT time to introduce myself, after a smile and a promise of a scholarship we were best buddies in an instant Nikki! I even bribed my way into qualification for the event. I figured that my excuse would be 'oh I sing le French songs hahaha' it worked perfectly. Maxwell Negrini was also a problem, I knew that he would go to save you when I paid Chucky Reynolds to threaten you! Maxwell was supposed to die there and then, but instead he became a comatose pirate! And furthermore I even rigged the drawing! Chloe Vs Zoey, how convenient was that?! It lead to one of them losing, this being Zoey and my plan continued to form. You and Chloe would be practicing together so that left me time to talk with Zoey!
A little convincing completely lead to her lust for revenge against you. She followed my orders and became your singing partner. She even forged Mackenzie's handwriting Perfectly! Smart girl! I know that this must be shocking to take in all at once but I know all of your secrets Nikki. Zoey told me everything. The rest you know, the kidnapping, the phoney peacekeeping, it all worked so well and now Maxwell Negrini is a broken man and Brandon Roberts is about to lose everything!"

NIKKI: "... that's wrong!"

ANDRÉ: "Hmmmm?"

NIKKI: "I believe in the bond that I have with my BFFs. I know that Zoey would never do anything to betray me like that! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!"

ANDRÉ: "All it took was a little video."

NIKKI: "What video?"

ANDRÉ: "Ever heard of subliminal messages? They're not a myth, they're real. I brainwashed them Nikki. And now you, the student of stars... The beacon of hope for the future, you're about to become my soldier in using your talent to spread a NEW message to the world!"

NIKKI: "But why...why... WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!"

"Isn't that obvious? My entire existence is nothing but a scandal. That makes me feel a certain feeling. I want everyone to know that feeling. And that's when they gave me the chance to do it! They gave me this technology! They're really depending on me to help them make a new world!"


ANDRÉ: "Call me anything you want. It won't change the fact that I'm going to plunge the entire world into a maelstrom of despair!"

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