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Maxwell's P.O.V:

I never should have trusted him. I never should have given him a second chance.

He was that desperate to prevent Nikki from winning and leaving that he would resort to embarrassing her in front of the entire world!

Well! He's going to pay... He's gonna pay the ultimate price!

Heh, WCD I never thought I'd see you again. I thought we were done, but our story has a final chapter!



Luckily for me, I know someone who owes me a favor. Someone who knows their way around a lock!


ERIN: "Maxwell? Hey! It's been a while! How's life at WCD? Max was telling me how great your performances were!"

MAXWELL: "Sorry, Erin. I didn't call to chat. I need that favor."

ERIN: "Huh? Sure...what's up?"

MAXWELL: "Where are you right now?"

ERIN: "I was on my way to the mall, I'm currently near an...animal shelter? Fuzzy Friends I think it's called."

MAXWELL: "Ugh..."

ERIN: "Where are you?"

MAXWELL: "Westchester County Day. I need your skills to help me break in."

ERIN: "WHAT?! Are you crazy?!"

MAXWELL: "Trust have no idea."

Nikki's P.O.V:


There's still time, I have to make it there before...Brandon...does...

He's over there! He hasn't entered the school yet!

There's still time, I need to convince him not to go through with this.

Or else... I don't know anymore.


BRANDON: "..."

NIKKI: "Brandon, I'm begging you not to do this!"

BRANDON: "Stay out of this."

NIKKI: "I won't! I'm not letting you and Maxwell kill each other over this!"

BRANDON: "..."

NIKKI: "You're not like this! This isn't YOU!"

BRANDON: "..."

NIKKI: "Brandon, please look at me when I'm talking to you."

He's just staring off into space in a trance-like state. One of anger and hatred, nothing like the Brandon I know.

NIKKI: "Please."

BRANDON: "Nikki, please stay out of this."

NIKKI: "No! You need to snap out of it and end this madness!"

BRANDON: "Madness? No, no, no. This isn't madness, this is justice.

NIKKI: "Justice?! What part of this is just?! You know that this isn't right..."



BRANDON: "I am BEGGING you to stay out of this!"


BRANDON: "I'm going to teach this jealous, manipulative, sociopath what happens when you try to mess with the ones I love."

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