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Brandon's P.O.V

BRANDON: "This must be the place."

NIKKI: "Brandon, are you sure that your cousin will let us stay here?"

BRANDON: "Of course Nikki, we are family after all."

NIKKI: "Yeah I guess that you two are but what about me? I'm not part of your family."

BRANDON: "Don't say that, Nikki you mean the world to me. Plus we're engaged, so you are part of my family."

NIKKI: "Thank you Brandon. That means a lot."

BRANDON: "Okay, now for the moment of truth."

I'm literally shaking in my boots right now, if this fails then I have no idea what we are going to do. Nikki will have to return to her family and we would never be able to see each other again. Please cousin... Please be here.

?: "Hello, who is it?"

BRANDON: "Hello Miss, you wouldn't happen to be Renée Artois? Would you?"

RENÉE: "Oui, sure I'm Renée Artois. Why do you ask?"

BRANDON: "Well, I know that this seems kinda sudden but... I'm your cousin Robert."

RENÉE: "You're Robert? What kind of sick game are you trying to play here?! Robert is dead... He was killed by that bastard Alessandro Nero. Leave now, or I'll make you meet him in the afterlife. Nero I mean, because cruel jokes like that can only earn you a place in hell and not heaven where Robert is."

NIKKI: "Brandon, let's go."

RENÉE: "So your name is Brandon? That proves my point that you can never be Robert."

BRANDON: "Please Renée, you're mistaken. I have proof."

RENÉE: "Okay BRANDON, where is your proof?"

BRANDON: "Here."

I handed her something that I received before I left, it was to prove that I'm really Robert Artois.

RENÉE: "This... This can't be. Where did you get this?!"

BRANDON: "It's a broche that belonged to ma mère. I was given it by my legal guardians Betty and Phil Roberts."

RENÉE: "Betty and Phil Roberts? But they were close friends of my uncle Jules. Sacrè bleu... Robert it really is you."

BRANDON: "Yes it's me Renée, long time no see..."

RENÉE: "I'm just so happy to know that you're alive, Fox news reported that there were three fatalities."

BRANDON: "No, someone spared me that day. I had to start a new life under the persona Brandon Roberts."

RENÉE: "But you need to let the news know that you're alive! You're the heir to the Artois family fortune."

BRANDON: "I'm sorry cousin. But I would prefer that Robert Artois is dead. I am now a new man, Brandon Roberts and that's the way I'm going to live. I don't need any diamonds or fortunes. Because the only diamond that I need is right behind me."

NIKKI: "Hi..."

BRANDON: "Renée, this is my fiancé Nikki Maxwell."

RENÉE: "Nikki Maxwell? The student of stars?! Oh my goodness it's an honor to meet you mademoiselle."

NIKKI: "Thank you, it's great to meet you too."

RENÉE: "So, might I ask. What brings the both of you here?"

BRANDON: "We've both ran away from Westchester and we need a place to stay. Please can we stay with you."

RENÉE: "You ran away? That sounds a lot like something one of our family members would do. I ran away from home to come to the big city too. So I completely understand your situation and there's plenty of room for the both of you."

BRANDON & NIKKI: "Really? Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!"

RENÉE: "No problem. Now begins your new life in the Big Apple!"

And she is so right. This is truly the start of our new life. Renée has connections to a local gallery where Nikki can work. And there's also a publishing studio close by who are always looking for new photos.

I've got a feeling that everything is going to turn out just fine.

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