Puppies For Sale.

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Photo credits to myself.

Ponyboy's POV

It's been a few days since we moved to New York and things are running slow but smooth. Soda got the job at the gas station a little bit into town. He started his first day of training today. He'll be fine though because Soda was great in auto before he dropped out. And he says this guy he has to work with, Steve, is a professional mechanic who's gonna teach him everything he'll have to know. He seemed excited. I watched him leave from my bedroom window and I haven't moved since this morning. I just stare and watch the cars drive by and the people wander and drag their tired feet towards a hidden destination that could be from here to anywhere. Who really knows. This town is weird and the people are weird. I watch as the neighbour comes out of his house and lights a cigarette. He walks down the driveway and towards the sidewalk, minding his own buisness until he looks up and our eyes meet. I don't know why, but I jump back and stumble away from the window. I sit down on my bed and I strip out of my pyjamas. I put on jeans and a white shirt and a clean campus crew hoodie that has a pillow-like padding in the hood. It's blue and it's my favourite. It's soft and its warm but not too warm. I walk downstairs and into the dining room where I pour myself a bowl of cereal and eat it slowly. Darry is gone to an interview again today. Hes had a few job offers and people who want him to work for them, but he's trying to find the best balanced job. He wants something that pays well and something he enjoys. I understand why that's hard because big paying jobs are usually a hoax or they're dangerous. And the fun or less stressful jobs don't pay enough. So he has to weigh his options. I finish my cereal and I do the dishes. I dry them and I put them away and then I pick up the trash. As I walk down my driveway and towards the curb, something tugs at my pants. I turn quickly and meet eyes with my neighbour. The one with the leather jacket. Hes staring at me while smoking a cigarette and when I look down to what's pulling at my jeans, I'm met with the sight of a small puppy. A small uncoordinated grey puppy with bright blue eyes. It chews on my pants and looks at me making little grunts. It wants to play.

"Got a smoke?" 


He pulls out a pack of cigarettes as I lean down and start rubbing my hands over the small dog. It wags it's tail and runs back and forth between me and Dan? What was this guys name again? It jumps and licks at my cheeks and he hands me a smoke and a lighter. I light the smoke and suck it in before handing back his lighter. He nods down to the puppy.

"She likes you."

"Most dogs do. I'm not a people person."

"Is that a hint?"

"Of what?"

"Do you want me to leave you alone?"

"..no...you don't have to leave. I'm not doing anything right now."

He stares me down and I stare up at him and the puppy paws its way up on my lap and up my chest and it licks my jaw and cheeks and nips at my hair. He tugs it's leash and makes it pull back a little.

"What kind of dog is she?"

"You cant tell?"

"No. I've never seen a dog like her before."

"Pitbull. Her names Darling."

I smile, I don't smile about a lot and I don't smile for a lot of people, but that makes me smile. What a cute name. I pet her and I call her name and she wags her tail faster and jumps higher and stumbles more into my lap. I smoke and I give her kisses and I pet her and I don't talk to the neighbour. He doesn't talk to me either. He lights another cigarette and watches me pet his puppy and he doesn't talk or complain or even comment. We don't talk for a good ten minutes, we just smoke and watch his puppy.

"She's your puppy?"

"Mhm. Picked her out three weeks ago, just got her home last night. I was getting dog food at the grocery store when I ran into you."

"Thats comforting to hear."


"I thought you followed me."

"Hell no. I was getting smokes and dog food. Just happened to notice you."

"You didn't look happy."

"Thats how I always look, fucker."

"Pfft... It's not a good look."

He narrows his eyes at me and I don't know why I'm laughing or insulating this guy when I know he could kick my ass. He could probably kill me. But I just find this funny and I find him funny and I can't help it. I pet his puppy and I laugh and I have to cover my mouth to stiffle my amusement. He raises an eyebrow and asks me what's so funny. I tell him I don't know but it feels good to laugh. He hums back and nods without another word.

"What's your name again?"

"You don't remember? I'm hurt, Pony."

He says sarcastically and throws his hands up in a false defeat. I stand up and I bring the puppy with me. I cradle her in my arms and I kiss her head and she yips happily. My neighbour watches me and he pets the puppy while I hold her.

"Dallas, oh forgetful one. My name is Dallas. Winston. Don't forget again."

"I won't, Dally." 

"What the hell did you just call me."

"Dally. It's a nickname."

"Oh no, you fucking didn't."

I cover my mouth to hold back the sudden urge to laugh and the puppy seems to read my mind as she barks and wags her tail. I pet her and I hug her and this hoodlum glares at me and sizes me up some more. He looks mad but he's not moving, just smoking and giving me a cold stare.

"What's so wrong with Dally? Darling likes it, don't you baby?"

I kiss the puppys head and she licks me and he rolls his eyes, but he looks entertained with the fanatics. He just watches and sighs as he smokes his third cigarette. Mine was done a long time ago. Someone from across the street yells suddenly.

"Dallas fucking Winston, I have god damn words for you!"

I look at my neighbour who doesn't budge an inch from where he's standing. He peers across the road as a man comes waving a fist in the air towards his house looking pissed. I take my que and I kiss the puppy one last time and give her a hug before I set her down. I guess this is just one of those 'dont call the cops' times. I look at the man and then the one in front of me and I put my hands in my pockets. 

"You gonna be alright?"

"They wouldn't call me Dallas motherfucking Winston if I wasn't. I'll be fine. That fuckhead doesn't know whats coming for him."

"Whatever you say, Dally. I'll see you around."

"You gonna spy on me through your windows again?"

"I wasn't spying. I was just looking outside and you happened to be there."

"Whatever you say, Ponykid."

"Bye Dally."

"Bye kid. Say goodbye Darling."

She looks at me and him and wags her tail and he mutters 'she really likes you...' under his breath as he walks away towards the angry man standing on his doorstep. I watch him walk away. I watch his blue jeans, his white t shirt that is stained, his worn out combat boots, and his brown leather jacket- none of which he has changed since the day I moved in. I watch his chocolate brown fluffy looking hair that probably deserves a trim. I go inside finally and I look in the mirror. I'm wearing clean decent priced jeans and a shirt and a sweater and my shoes may be the same style as his but mine are new. My hair may be long, but it's straightened and clean and tied up in a nice ponytail that makes me look like some kind of rebellious teenager. I look clean and well kept like my parents raised me to be. I don't wear suits or uniforms like my brothers, but I'm still much cleaner than the rest of the people around here.

I really don't fit in here. No wonder I stand out.

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