Kiss and Tell.

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I get home before Darry gets off work and he doesn't even come to my room to see if I'm there. He just walks by the open door and ignores my presence. He has a short temper and I'm glad he ignores me because if he didn't I'd probably just piss him off anyways. Life's complicated sometimes. I sit in bed with my thoughts and my daydreams and my plans for the future that I'm not so sure about yet. I sit and I just think. I can see his house across the street from my bedroom window. I can see his bed from here. I can almost make out the shape of his chest rising and falling slowly. I hear Darry downstairs walking, and then the front door opens, and then his truck starts up. He drives off and I don't know where he's going but he's gone. I feel a rush of adrenaline. Suddenly I'm up on my feet and running down the stairs. I'm out the door in a flash and running across the empty road towards Dallas house. As I open the door there's a loud crash. Something shatters.


I call out and I'm greeted with the sound of loud and heavy footsteps. Three men appear. Two from the stairway and one from the kitchen. None of them are my 'friend'. I turn to leave but before I can take a step forward, the back of my collar is grabbed. I'm harshly ripped backwards until I'm tripping over my own feet and being dragged towards the livingroom. Once I'm there I can see Dallas. Hes hog tied and knocked out cold. My heart is thundering in my chest and I'm so confused. Everything seems to move in slow motion.

"What the hell is going on here?!"

I feet two hands propel into my back, forcing me to fall face first. Next thing I know, I'm being pinned to the ground and my hands are being tied together behind my back with thick rope. I want to go home. I should have just stayed at home.

"Stay still dammit!"

A voice echoes in my ears like glass being slid across my wrists. It's a piercing tone that sends shivers down my spine and covers my skin in goosebumps. I freeze at its command. Everything becomes still for nothing more than a brief moment. I hear someone take a deep breath as my face is pressed against the floor. And then something hits the back of my head hard, I feel blood. I see black.


Someone is repeating my name over and over. I wince as I try to open my eyes. I have a pounding headache and I feel like I'm being shaken. I try to look around but it's too dark to see. It takes a few minutes for my eyes to adjust. Someone is in front of me. Someones moving in front of me but they're tied up. It's Dallas. I go to help him but I can't move my arms, I'm tied too. It's so dark.

"Where are we...what happened..?"

"We're in a crater bin being shipped to god only knows where.... And I can't say what happened to you because I don't know. Some guys knocked at my door after you left. They told me they were buisness men but they're human traffickers and I knew that. I recognized them. When I tried to close the door they hit me in the head with something...and I passed out. How'd you end up with me?"

"Darry left to run an errand or something... I just wanted to come see you... But when I got inside something felt off. I called your name and no one answered. Then these guys came running at me. They grabbed me and dragged me into the livingroom. You were there. You were on the floor all beat up and tied up like crazy. They pinned me down and tied me up and then someone knocked me out by hitting me over the head..." 

My stomach is sore and my head feels like a little troll is inside it just drumming away on my brain. My eyes hurt and my body is pained from being in such a small space. My wrists are in pain and dripping blood from me naturally trying to pull out of the ropes. It's no use though. I'm not getting anywhere doing this. Dallas sits up and he looks worse off than I do. I don't know where were going but I'm worried and I'm anxious as anyone could ever be. I feel like crying I'm so scared. The vehicle drives fast and then slows right down. It parks. I hear men talking and then doors being slammed and next I can see them through the cracks. They come towards us. The crate is opened and more men are outside it. We're in an alleyway and it's dark outside. It's been hours. Chills run through me and people look us over as Dallas starts to cuss at them. One man hands another one a stack of paper bills and they shake hands. Different men grab at us and drag us out. We're shoved from the crate to the back of a van. These guys have guns and they speak in a foreign language that I don't understand at all. We drive again, and this time it takes twice as long to get where we're going. I think we might still be in New York. We pull up to an apartment building and we're ushered inside. Seven stories up we are lead to an apartment. It looks normal until you get inside. There are mattresses lined up along a wall with two other boys laying on them asleep. They're chained to the floor by their ankles. Dallas starts to flip out. He losses it. They slam him down and lock a chain above his left foot. I don't struggle, I just shake as I'm walked to my doom. They lock me in and take our restraints off. My eyes are starting to well up with tears at the realization of what is really happening. A few guys look at us. One of them talks.

"Alright boys. Drop the tough guy act. It'll get you no where fast. You are now employees. You work for me. You work with your body and you get me money. I will find your clients, your job is to please them however they would like. If you don't obey, you will be punished. If you are disrespectful, you will be punished. If you try to escape, you will be punished. If you are punished, I assure you that you'll be wishing you were dead instead. Now...introductions are over. It is time for you to be broken in. Don't'll only be more painful."

I look at Dallas and I don't understand what he's talking about. I don't understand a word he's saying. I'm shaking and he gives me a little smirk in attempt to make me feel better. It doesn't work. When the man stops talking, two other guys come towards us. They are smiling and giving me a weird look before they take their clothes off. My skin feels ice cold and my heart is sunken into my stomach with fear. Two other men come over and each one holds us down. I don't put up at fight like Dallas. I just cry and quietly beg them to stop. Before I know it, I'm on my back with my wrists held down and my pants pulled off. Dallas is looking the same. Every bone in my body is trembling. This is what it's like to be truly afraid.

Just a few hours ago I was waiting for Soda to come home to tell him something special happened to me...

My first kiss...

I might never get the chance to tell him.

I made a spam book for my random thoughts and to post drawings and stuff on. So check it out if you wanna. I want to draw Dallas as a stripper for lone_greaser when I find the time. Hopefully tomorrow I get to it lol. Love you guys 💙.

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