6 Months Later.

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Six months have passed since that day. Since it all happened. Since the pain, since the heartache, since the fear. Approximately 90 days have gone by. That sounds like a long time. It sounds like plenty. Sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't. I still feel gross. I'm still sad and depressed. I'm still insecure. But Dallas, the hood from across the street, he's been my rock. We do everything together since then. We're kind of dating actually. Not for real, we haven't actually talked about it, but we kiss a lot and we have lots of sleepovers. Darry keeps an extra close watch over his house now. He actually has been sorta sweet to me like how he was before mom and dad passed away. It's really nice to know he still cares. Sodapop is dating someone new too. He's dating this mean looking guy who reminds me of Tom Cruise. His name is Steve and he's Sodas boss. They're the same age though and they get along good. Steve didn't like me very much at first until he met Dallas. Dal scared the hell out of him I'm sure. Since then we've been silent friends. Speaking of friends...I made another friend too. Three doors down from Dallas a mother and her two kids moved in. A little girl and a boy just a few years older than me. The boy is super dorky and crazy. He has really messy hair and he's almost always drinking. I think he might be an alcoholic. But he's very friendly and we made nice right away. His name is Keith Matthews. He doesn't go by that name though. He prefers to be called Two-bit like his old friends called him before he moved here from Colorado. Dallas likes him too since I'm too young to drink with him. Dallas isn't legally old enough either but he says he doesn't want to ruin my purity. Too late for that. And I know what you're thinking now...no we did not fuck. I'm still a grade A virgin and Dallas is still single as a Pringle and Soda is too shy to even hold his boyfriends hand and Darry is still grumpy sometimes and Two-bit is not my type... well. I don't know, he's kinda cute. Not as cute as Dallas though. Anyways, back to the point. A lot has changed. Darling, the little pit bull, she's big. Like really big. She grew so fast and she's still gonna get bigger. And she's so cute. She still loves me. It makes Dal a little jealous sometimes. Now that all of that is out of the way, I should probably let you know what my plans are for the night. Well, I was supposed to go to Dallas house and just cuddle and watch a movie and then come home in the morning. But you know how plans are...they always change. For the next 4 days, Soda and Steve have work off. Two-bit doesn't work at all. And Darry is going out of town on a trip to help with a legal battle in a different city 7 hours away. So as soon as Two heard that we were all apparently doing 'nothing' he decided we should all sleep over at Dally's...together. Like a slumber party. He offered to bring booze and Steve said he'd order pizza. Soda agreed to bring blow up mattresses, pillows, and blankets. Me...I was told to just come. Dallas knew I wasn't happy about this but he didn't want me staying home alone. I wanted a nice peaceful night alone with him. I like being alone with him... I like having his full attention. But I guess Two is fun and Soda is my brother who I adore and Steve ain't so bad. It shouldn't be terrible. I hear the tires come down the street screeching as Two arrives back from the beer store. He can see me upstairs by my bedroom window and he waves for me to come down. With a small sigh I walk downstairs. I'm already in my PJs ready to go. Soda already brought blankets and pillows over earlier so he and Steve have nothing to do but walk over. As I get outside I'm met with a big grin from my newly acquired friend. He smiles my way and hands me a big LCBO bag full of liquor.

"Here Pon, help carry. I still got another case to grab from the back."

"Why'd you buy so much? Are you all really gonna get this drunk?"

"Pony kid, we are getting wasted. It'll be great. You'll have fun. Maybe you can have some if Soda is okay with it."

I roll my eyes. I doubt he'd be okay with it. And Dallas would never let me. He's made it clear he doesn't want me to ruin my little brain so soon. I help carry the alcohol over to Dally's house. As soon as we walk in the door Darling runs up to me and jumps to lick my face. She's happy and wagging her tail. Dallas is at the top of the stairs looking like he'd just woken up from an afternoon nap. As soon as we meet eyes he smiles softly at me. I smile back and blush.

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