Calm Before The Storm.

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-Photo credits to myself.-

Ponyboy's POV

I wake up when I feel a warm object touch my face. It's wet and it's moving. My eyes open to be met with a puppy tongue giving me morning kisses. And that's when I realize the hood had fallen asleep beside me and is still half sitting up against the headboard. I give him a little nudge so that he lays down and then I get up to take a piss. I'm still tired and I'm not sure if I want to get up. I don't even know what time it is. Ive never spent so much time with someone in my whole life, either than my brothers. This is the closest thing to a friendship I've experienced since I was 8. And yet we've only met like four times officially. I get out of bed and I immediately regret it as soon as the cold air sweeps against my warm skin. I want to hide under the covers again and go back to sleep but I really have to go, I've been holding it for almost an hour now. I stumble and nearly trip because the floor is uneven and some of the boards are loose. When I get to the bathroom, I empty my bladder as quickly as possible and then make a run for the bed. I throw myself back under the covers and curl into one of the pillows, snuggling it close as Darling wags her tail and stares at me sheepishly. She probably wants to be taken out to go pee too, but I'm too tired. She lays down eventually and snuggles in between the two of us. I can't blame her though, this room is freezing. It's like he has no heat on in here. Then it hits me, he probably doesn't. Why would he? That would only cost more and he most likely doesn't have enough to live off of as is. What a sad existence. A cold one.

"You okay?"

I must have woken him up somehow because hes looking down at me. I cock an eyebrow at him and shift under the bedsheets, careful not to let our legs touch. I reach out to pet the puppy and it's still freezing. I don't know how I slept through this.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"You're shaking.."

"'s uh...a little cold..."

I manage to murmur out quietly as my cheeks grow red. He gets up pretty fast and walks towards a closet in the corner of his empty bedroom. He reaches in and starts to rummage through it.

"Sorry, I forgot, my bad. Just give me a second- ah there, that should be good enough."

He tugs out a big quilt and walks back to the bed carrying it in his arms before he throws it in the air and lays it out over me. It's heavy and soft and it warms me up right away. He sits back down beside me and lights a smoke.

"It's fine, thank you. How are you not freezing?"

"Im used to it... No biggie."

"I'm surprised I didn't wake up a Popsicle."

"Oh quit complaining. It's isn't that bad."

"It is when you're used to heat like a normal person."

He smirks and rolls his eyes, chuckling as he sucks in the smoke from his cigarette and then blows it down into my face. For a minute it burns my eyes and I glare at him. I can't really figure this guy out. I'd like to, but I can't place it. I don't know what kind of person he is. He looks dangerous, but he seems nice. It's a weird combination. I wish I knew more about him. I wish he'd talk about himself.

"How long have you lived in New York?"

"My whole life."

"Don't you have any family or anything?"


"Did you drop out of school?"

"I've never been to school."

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