The Night.

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-Photo credits to myself.-

Ponyboy's POV

It's been a few hours now, and it's nearly nine o clock. Soda saw me outside a few hours ago but I doubt he knows I'm here. Darry is going to kill me when I get home. I'm done for. But I'm enjoying myself, smoking and hanging out with someone for once. He's easy to talk to. And if I don't want to talk we can sit in silence and play with his dog. He started a movie for us to watch a few minutes ago, IT. I've never watched the original, but he claims this new one is much better. If it's anything like the remake of dirty dancing, I'll have to decline. As the movie rolls on, I enjoy it though.


A quiet whisper escapes my lips while watching the clown on screen. I've never liked clowns, they terrify me. Movies don't usually bother me but this one is really weird. It's not scary but it's kind of like a psychological thriller. By the end of it, I'm starting to nod off. It's 11pm and I don't feel like moving. I don't feel like walking. I don't feel like getting screamed at. I don't want to go home.



"Can I stay here for the night?"

"And chance me getting murdered by your brothers? Hell no."

"It was worth a shot..."

I sigh and start to sit up, my body aches and I still feel like I'm falling asleep. His bed isn't the most comfortable place in the world, but it was nice enough. It wasn't hard or flimsy. As I kick my feet over the edge of the bed to leave, he grabs my arm.

"I'm just fucking with you. You can stay. But why don't you want to go home? It's only across the street."

"Darry is going to snap... Id rather just avoid him as long as I can. No matter what time I go home now he's just gonna yell at me and I'll be grounded, so I may as well make it worth it."

"I'll go downstairs and sleep on the couch then. You can have my bed. Are you going to sleep right away?"

"Are you sure? I can take the couch. And I'll probably stay awake a little longer."

"No way, you can have the bed. I'll stay up here and keep you company. Your brothers, shouldn't you at least call them?"

"I left my phone in my bedroom."

"You can use mine. Here."

He hands me a scratched up cell phone. It's a newer model that I'm guessing he probably stole from someone, but it's beat up quite a bit. I go to the texting icon and open it up. It's surprisingly empty. I type in Sodapop's phone number and send him a text.

/11:37 pm/

-Hey, this is Ponyboy. I'm across the street at the neighbours house. I'm gonna sleep here, I'll see you in the morning. Love you. Xo.-

/11:56 pm/

-I figured you were over there. Darry's pissed though kiddo. You're grounded when you get home... You should just tell him where you are next time so he's not so mad. I love you little buddy. Xo have a good sleep Pon.-

/12:03 am/

-Fuck. Okay. Have a good sleep too Soda. Have a good day at work tomorrow, I'll see you whenever you get back. Night.-

/12:17 am/

-Don't cuss Pon. See you tomorrow. Be careful. Night.-

I hand Dallas back his phone and I shake my head just knowing how angry Darry will be the minute he sees me. Hes gonna want to wring my neck and if Soda weren't around he would. Dallas looks tired and the puppy is asleep on my lap.

"So whatd he say?"

"Soda says Darry's mad. Which means he wants to kill me in literal terms. And I'm grounded, so I probably won't see you again in this lifetime."

"That's harsh. What if I throw rocks at your window?"

"I might open it. Who knows."

He chuckles and pushes his hair back out of his face. I lean back and lay flat against the bed, looking up at the ceiling now. He stares down at me tiredly and leans back against the headboard.

"You gonna fall asleep?"

"No, I'm good."

He doesn't look like he believes me and he laughs again. It's weird seeing him laugh when he's always so emotionless looking. He has a nice laugh though. I'm still not totally comfortable with him because I don't know him and he is scary to a certain degree. But I'm too tired to care right at this moment.

"So Pony. Tell me about yourself. Hobbies, what you like and don't like, love interests, whatever."

"Mn, you're a weirdo. I like to draw and read books. I like most music but
I don't enjoy rap. If by interest you mean, what do I like in a person, then I don't know. I've never dated anyone before. And I've barely had any friends. The last real friends I had were two sisters in the first grade, Cherry and Marcia. They moved away by second grade. So I can't answer that."

"Are you straight?"

"Do I look like I'm not?"

"Just a question."

"I........I guess I don't know. I've never... Yeah I don't know. Darry doesn't like gay people though so I hope I am."

"You should be able to tell pretty soon, since you're a teenager and all. Hormones, testosterone, sex drive- it all kicks in at your age. You'll know what you like soon enough."

"And you?"

"What about me?"

"What do you like?"

"I don't like anyone. But I'd say I lean more towards liking men than women. Not sure why, Its just a hunch I guess I have, a feeling."

"That's nice. At least you know what you like. Or have an idea. I don't have a clue. I'm hopeless..."

"You gotta step out of your comfort zone... Try new things..."


"Kiss someone. Or hold their hand."

"Easier said than done. Just being near people makes me shake. My anxiety goes nuts..."

My eyes are falling shut and I'm so exhausted. I can feel myself shutting down and falling asleep. Before I can fully pass out, I feel a large warm hand wrap over one of mine and give it a light squeeze. I think he said goodnight but I can't tell. Goodnight.

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