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Ponyboy's POV

A few hours go by with the two of us throwing sarcastic comments back and forth at eachother before Darling gets restless and needs to go pee. She starts nipping at our hands and running to the door whining.

"Can you take her out? I'm not exactly mobile right now. I'd rather not get up."

"Wheres her leash? I'll just take her up the street and back. Ten minutes tops."

"By the front closet, and thank you Ponyboy. I owe ya one. You're a sweet kid."

"I'm not a kid and I'm doing it for her, don't sound so grateful."

He rolls his eyes and calls me something under his breath that I ignore. I walk downstairs and grab her leash and take her outside and start walking down the street. She pees on everything she sees and it feels like forever before we start walking back. She barks and yips at squirrel's and I smoke and laugh at her. Sodapop drives by me looking confused and waves. Once I get closer to the house again, I notice a car and a few guys on the front lawn. I make my way up slowly and halfway through the yard, I'm stopped.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Putting the dog back inside."

"Are you now? Where the fuck is Winston?"

"I couldn't tell you. He just asked me to come over and take care of his dog. Said he'd be gone for a few days."

I work up the most innocent look I could and it isn't hard because I am really young compared to these guys. They glare at me and grunt and shake their heads. They don't look impressed and I know they didn't come to make nice with him. I'm immediately scared.

"Did he leave a number?"

"No.. I don't really know him... I only moved here a few weeks ago and we've only spoken about the puppy. Is he in trouble or something?"

I bite my lip and look anxious over the answer when really I'm just anxious in general because I'm scared that they'll figure out I'm lying or Dallas will come open the door and I'll be screwed. They start walking away from me and muttering crap to eachother.

"He doesn't know shit."

"We'll have to look around. He hangs out at that bar on Buck street sometimes."

"Yeah, he ain't here."

"If you see that fucker, kid, you tell him people need to talk to him. He'll know who. You'd be smart to stay away from scum like him."

They get in their car and they drive away and I feel like my chest is going to explode. I get inside the house and take the leash off of the dog and I run upstairs. The hoodlum is standing by the window, peering out the slit of the curtain. As soon as I get into the room he's staring at me like he wants me dead.

"The hell did you tell them?"

"That I barely knew you, you said you were leaving for a while and asked me to watch your dog until you got back. I didn't know anything else."

"Thats it?"

"Thats it."

"And they just left?"

"Im pretty convincing."


"He said if I see you to tell you that people need to talk to you. And that I shouldn't be talking to you."

"Fuck him."

"I'd rather not. Are you okay?"

"Am I okay- are you? Do you realize who those people were? Fucking mobsters Ponyboy. Don't talk to them again. Just walk on by and go home if you can without saying a word. Don't get yourself in danger."

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