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Morning comes slow and cold and I wake up shivering. Shivering and shaking and a little disoriented. I look around the dark room and for a while and I can't remember where I am. Mom? Dad? I try to remember if they took me out somewhere and I just forgot. But then I remember... They're gone. And I'm far from home in a whole different city, in a strangers bed at that. I turn and can almost see the details of his face peaking out from under the covers. He looks peaceful asleep. I don't want to disturb him so I lay back down shivering. He shifts a little because I made the bed creak and I watch as he opens his eyes. He looks at me with a calmness I wouldn't expect out of someone like him. Gently his hand brushes over my cheek. It's rough but comforting in a way.

"Why are you crying...?"

He suddenly asks, bringing me back to reality and making me flinch. I touch my cheek and it's wet. I must have began to cry when I thought about my parents. I don't think about them a lot, it hurts too much. It hurts and I don't like to hurt more than I have to. He wipes my cheeks and I try to push his hands away but he won't budge. He squeezes my face and forces a kiss onto me, despite my obvious protest. After he pulls away I settle a bit realizing it wasn't so bad. He tastes nice and he's warm and now he's holding me and I can't explain why but I'm crying again. Crying. Sobbing. Sleeping.

" awake?"

I look up to find Dallas, shaking me gently as I sleep right against his chest. He looks a little worried, but not totally. Hes still calm. When I look up at him he sighs and his hug gets tighter.

"You fell back asleep after crying again. Do you want breakfast?"

"Did you kiss me...?"

"Yes. Now do you want breakfast or not?"


He gets out of bed and leaves me alone in the bedroom laying on the cold sheets without a source of heat. I get up and go to the bathroom. It's cold too and my head is spinning like crazy. He kissed me. Why did he kiss me. Why would he kiss me. I'm a stranger. Not to mention and boy and he tasted so good and that was my first kiss oh my god. I don't know whether to jump with joy or be sad that it was wasted just so he could get  a laugh. That's why he did it right?

"Ponyboy! Come down here to eat. The ovens on so it's warm."

He yells up to me and as soon as he says 'warm', I'm on my way down. He's right, the kitchen is pretty warm with the oven open and on. Hes making bacon and eggs and it's such a simple task but I'm kind of flattered in a weird way. I watch him from across the room and he occasionally turns around to smile at me. It's a genuine smile that I haven't had the pleasure of meeting before today. I really love it. He brings me my plate and sets it in front of me with a set of utensils. I don't wait for any words to be exchanged, I just dig in. I eat and he eats and watches me with a smirk. He looks satisfied and amused. When my plate is empty I put it in the sink and stand by the open oven.

"You're a good cook."

"You're a fast eater." 

"Why'd you kiss me?"

"Because I felt like it."


"Because you're cute."

"No I'm- that's not- u-um...!"

He starts to laugh and my face goes red and I can't even speak for what seems like ages. He finishes eating and starts cleaning the dishes whilst humming a tune. I just sit back on the counter and listen. He amuses me in a sense. Hes funny and mysterious and different and I can't tell whether I like it or not. He comes across as totally cocky and dangerous and at the same time he seems sweet. Darling follows me around the house as I wander off to check it out. She trots behind me and I can't help but ogle at her. I love this little puppy. She's got to be the most adorable thing I've ever seen.

"What time do you need to get going?"

"Uh..anytime before Darry gets off of work.. So before 5 I'd say..even though he usually works till 8. Just to be safe."

"That's probably smart. He looked like he wanted to kill me yesterday."

"He probably did. Hes a spaz..."

Dallas chuckles at me and lays a hand over my head to ruffle up my hair crazily. I blush despite not wanting to and he laughs, finding it funny for some reason. The next few hours go by incredibly fast and we watch three movies in a row. I feel like he's sitting a lot closer and his voice is more raspy and I just don't know how to describe it but he's just more appealing. It's time to go before I know it and he walks me out. He takes me home and as we stand on my front porch he thanks me for coming over. I turn to leave and he grabs my arm, stopping me just in time to lean down and kiss my cheek.

"See you around Ponyboy."

"B-bye Dally..."

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