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I'm at home with Soda and he's laying beside me sleeping and Darry is downstairs in his chair reading the news paper. It's early morning and I can smell coffee brewing and chocolate cake batter is sitting in the fridge waiting to be made. Everything is calm. Everything is normal. I'm home. Or at least that's what I'm telling myself as I sleep on this blood stained mattress. That's what I've been telling myself for hours since I woke up from my exhausted state of a half walk into a coma. I haven't moved an inch. I barely want to breath. I don't want anyone to know I'm awake. Maybe they'll leave me alone if they think I'm sleeping.


I can hear Dallas voice again. It's clearer now, but it's soaked in the silence of the room. He sounds hoarse and his voice is being lost slowly from the amount he's screamed since we got here. He sounds so unbelievably sad I can't help but get nauseous. If he's scared then we're definitely screwed. Literally and figuratively. We're fucked. I look at him slowly, moving my body for the first time in who knows how long and opening my eyes. No one else is around and the other two mattresses that had people on them are empty. It's just me and him. His face is bruised terribly. I don't remember them hitting him but I guess I don't remember much passed the pain.


"We gotta get outta here...they're gonna take us out eventually for clients and when they do, run. If you have a chance to, get the hell as far away as you can and call your brothers."

"What about you? I can't do that..."

My chest tightens and I'm confused again. I don't understand exactly what he means but I know I can't just abandon him. He softens his stare and sighs.

"Ponyboy I'll figure it out. Just run when you get the chance. You're in better shape than me. Try and remember addresses and street names if you can."

My heart is pounding in my ears and I'm staring at him but he's not saying another word. Tears are slowly starting to brim at the corners of my eyes and I feel like I'm gonna have a nervous breakdown. But before I can even answer him, I hear footsteps. Guys are laughing and walking towards us. My body freezes and I immediately am aware of the immense pain I'm still in. As the footsteps come closer and closer my throat feels like it's closing in. Finally they're right behind me. My ankle is unlocked from the chain and a gun is pointed at my head.

"Get up."

I feel like every bone in my body is shattered and in bits. I slowly pull myself from the mattress and up to my feet. I'm not steady. I'm swaying back and forth from my lack of coordination. Next they do the same to Dallas. Guns are being held so close to us that I swear I can taste the gun powder. And then the guy with the mean eyes and jet black hair comes from around the corner.

"Good news boys. I've gotten you both your first customers! Now you're going to go into the bedroom, and you're going to do and let them do whatever they want. You do not cry, scream, or try to leave. If you do any of these things you will be punished. Punishment will leave you wishing I'd killed you. Remember that."

The guns are pressed to our backs and we're being pushed through the house, down a hallway, down some stairs, and to a bedroom that looks like it's on the main floor. My chest feels so heavy I might faint. We're both shoved into a large master bedroom with a kingsized bed. Two men are sitting at the edge of the bed.

"How long?"

"An hour."

"That'll be 400$ each."

"Bit much don't you think?"

"They're virgins. Take it or leave it."

"Alright alright."

One of the men takes out his wallet and starts to flip out hundred dollar bills. He pays and all of the men leave. We're left with these two on the bed staring at us smirking with boners popping through their pants. I want to run but I hear the door lock. There's a window to my right but I can't get to it from here just yet. Dallas is standing beside me looking a little pale.

"Alright boys, come here. We won't hurt you."

My stomach immediately turns. My knees grow weak. My head starts to hurt. I purse my lips together and look up at Dallas. Hes staring at me too. He takes a few steps forward. Hes slowly walking towards him.

"Thats right. That's a good boy. C'mon you too little one, come see daddy."

Something about these guys makes me wants to hang myself as soon as possible. Dallas walks closer and he smiles, but I can tell it's fake. He tilts his head and he looks pretty cute. They seem to like it and they're chuckling. Finally one of them raise their hand to touch his face and he slams a fist into his jaw. The other one backs up but before he can do anything, Dallas knees him in the stomach. I run towards the window as they're swinging at eachother. It's locked and nailed shut but I am not giving up. I take the closest picture frame off the wall and smash it as hard as I can into the glass. It shatters. I try to break as much as I can. It gets in my hair. When I turn back to look at Dallas he's got blood dripping down his chin but he looks like he's got the best of them. I jump out the window without a second thought and I run. I am completely butt naked and I'm running down the street in the dark. I hear footsteps. Dallas. I look back and he's running after me, limping a bit. I head for the first park I see and he collapses beside me in a bush.

"Holy fuck... I'm glad you did that..."

I'm panting so hard I can't even answer him. I'm shaking. I'm shaking so bad that my teeth are chattering from the adrenaline. I can hear guys yelling up the street and I know they'll come looking for us.

"Stay here."

Dallas stands up and runs towards a fence. He scales it and I'm all alone. It's pitch black and I'm naked and alone in a bush and my ass hurts and I'm scared. It feels like forever before he returns. He has clothes in his hands.

"I figured I'd eventually find a clothesline somewhere if I kept hopping. Good thing no one opened their back door!"

He starts to laugh and throws me a pair of pants that look like grey women's joggers and a pink hoodie that is definitely a girls. He has one a black hoodie and blue and black pyjama pants. He holds out his hand.

"Come out of there now...we need to find a phone."

I take his hand and he pulls me from the bush. We walk down a few side streets and then we find a main road. We walk until I think we're downtown and he takes us into a deli shop. The man is just about to close up but Dallas convinces him we really need to use the phone. As I walk by the counter, my face is reflected and for the first time I don't recognize myself. My cheeks are sunked in and I have a black eye and bruises line my jaw. Dallas is worse off than me though. He tried to fight them and got an ass whooping for it. Dallas takes the phone from the guy, who is staring at us looking sympathetic. He hands the phone to me.

"Call your brothers. Give them the address."

I take the phone with shaking hands and start to dial Darry's number. I haven't been home in two? Maybe three? Maybe a week....? I don't remember. I was passed out in the car and then I passed out again? It's all fuzzy. I press call. One ring. Two rings. Three rings. No answer. It's three in the morning. I call again. One ring. Two rings-



My voice breaks and I feel like I'm falling from the sky at a hundred miles an hour and I'm about to hit the ground.

"Where on gods green earth are you?!"

"Uh...Darry....I don't..I'm not sure... I have the address It's complicated..."

My voice grows fragile and I drop the phone as tears begin to stream down my face. Dallas picks it up and the rest is a blur.

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