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Ponyboy's POV

Darry gets inside and to my surprise all is silent for a few hours. But then dinner time comes. By dinner, he's pissed and everyone needs to know it. He lays into me about being safe and telling him where I'm going and checking in and staying away from hoodlums. Just Darry being his normal, controlling, bad tempered self. Soda gets uncomfortable and doesn't talk much. He doesn't like Darry's yelling any more than I do. When dinner is done, he makes me do the dishes and the laundry. Soda heads upstairs and lays in bed texting Steve, his coworker. They've become friends almost in the passed few weeks. When I'm done dishes, laundry, mopping and sweeping the floors, Im finally free to go up to bed. And I do, graciously. I lay down with Soda and as soon as the lights are out he turns to me and smirks daringly.

"How was it?"

"How was what?"

"The neighbour. Did you guys have sex?"

"What...no. God no. Why would we do that?"

"Well why else wouldn't you come home?"

"He has a cute dog and Darry yells too much."

"Did you guys do anything? C'mon I thought you were losing your virginity or something..." 

"We didn't do nothing you're implying. We talked and we watched a movie. He ordered us pizza. That was it. Then we slept, woke up, and I came home."

"Do you like him?"

"Like him how?"

"Like a friend or boyfriend?"

"Who says I'm gay?"

"Just answer the question."

"I like him like a friend. Maybe...I don't know...maybe if I was gay..I'd like him like a boyfriend. But I don't so..."

I can see Soda is smiling and shaking his head in the dark. He does that when he doesn't believe something I'm saying. It makes me wanna tackle him and wrestle, but I don't want to wake Darry and get him mad again. I know he has it rough but he doesn't handle it right. I wish he were nicer, like Soda.

"Soda you make a lot of assumptions."

"Do I now?"

"You do. If I thought like you, I'd assume you had a thing for that guy you work with."

"Maybe I do."


Just as I start to speak, something hits our window. I turn around and slip out from under the covers. 3 am came fast. I hush Soda with a finger over my lips and open up our window.

"One second!"

I hiss down in a whisper to the hoodlum standing with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth in the moonlight. Soda is standing beside me looking confused.

"I'm sneaking out. Cover for me. Lock our door when you leave for work and I'll be home before he gets off tomorrow."

"You're a little rebel now aren't ya? Pony I hope for your sake that plan works. Good luck."

"Thanks Soda."

"And you- if anything happens to him I swear to god I will hunt you down and end your life. Keep him safe."


"I will. Hes safe with me."

"Good. Have a nice night baby bro. I love ya!"

"Night Soda, you nut. I'll see you tomorrow. Love you."

I crawl up onto the windowsill and I brace myself. Whether I admit it or not, I'm scared to death. I hate heights. I look at Soda and he smiles from the edge of the bed. It's the last thing I see before I jump. The rush gives me chills and makes my heart feel like it's about to explode. But soon enough I land in sturdy and yet comforting arms. He smiles down at me and walks back towards his house, not bothering to set me down. Something about it feels nice. It's a cold night and I'm in my pyjamas. Plaid pants and a matching button up shirt. I look like I came from a children's Christmas special. He sets me down on his porch and we go inside his house. He looks amused and kicks off his shoes while staring at me.


"Do you always dress like that to sleep?"

"Do you ever change your clothes?"

"Once a week. I alternate between laundry cycles."

He winks and I just shake my head with a smile. I really enjoy his company. I just hope I don't get caught. And like Soda said...I wonder if this guy really is just keeping me around for sex eventually. Well...that wasn't what Soda said. He just asked if we had sex, but I can make my own analogies. Part of me knows this guy, his type, would never pay any attention to someone like me. Another part of me actually hopes and partially believes he wants to be friends. I like that idea. I've never been that fortunate with friends before.

"So, hows being grounded?"

"About as fun as running on nails."

"Try crawling out a shattered window with a broken themer three stories up."

"Um, ouch. I take it back, my grounding is a cake walk. Just chores and unnecessary episodes of 'what does Darry want to bitch about this hour' on repeat."

"Your other brother, you two sleep together?"


"You don't complain about that, I'd think someone as sheltered as yourself would find that bothersome."

"We're close... And Soda doesn't bother me none. If I wanted the room to myself he'd leave until I was ready. Hes good like that."

"Alright I get it. He's good cop."

"And Darry's bad cop?"


I stare at him for another minute and we both laugh as we find ourselves strolling into his room. We go straight to his bed without any words or explanations and he pulls the sheets back so I can get under the covers. Cautiously I lay down and he plops beside me, facing me while laying on his side.

"Is it still considered hanging out if we go to sleep until morning? It is 3 am."

"I'll let you off the hook this time. You better make up for this in the morning."

I get the last word in even though I'm falling asleep myself. I might be imagining it but I can see him staring at me with something like content. I watch him watch me until I fall asleep. The only thing I remember hearing is the sound of his breath. I'm starting to not mind our move.

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