First Kind Of Love.

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I go to bed crying and I wake up sore. My eyes are sore. My back is sore. My heart is sore. How could my own brother do that to me. How could Dallas... does alcohol really mess you up that much? Was it just a mistake? It couldn't be. That doesn't make any sense. I slowly sit up in my bed and Steve is still asleep beside me. His back is facing me and he's silent. I want to cry. I want to scream. I want to be mad and angry and throw a fit. But I know I shouldn't. I know that isn't right. I know I'd just wake up Steve and wear myself out and end up feeling even shittier. So I shut up. I sit tight. I wait. I wait. And I wait. It's a long time before Steve wakes up. He sits up, looks at me, and frowns quietly.

"So much for a good night."

"I can't believe they did that...."

"I barely even remember what I saw...I just remember waking up and everything hurt.. and then I followed you home."

"What are we going to do?"

Steve shakes his head and shrugs. He looks sad. I feel sad too. It's not long before I can hear banging on the front door downstairs and voices. Their voices. As I look out my bedroom window, me and Steve both watch Two walk home from Dal's. He looks tired and confused. He stumbles in his door and I know he's home safe so I start walking downstairs to where the voices are. Steve follows me and he looks pissed.

"What should we do? Do we let them in?"

"No...leave em out there. They deserve each other...god damn cheaters."

Steve starts to cuss and he glares at my front door as we get closer. I open the curtain so they can both see our tear stained faces. Me and Steve look tougher than them and they were the ones up drinking...and messing around. Steve sticks up his middle finger at them and I watch quietly. Dallas looks at me. He looks so sad and so sorry. But I don't think I could forgive either of them for what they've done.


"Pony open up. Cmon let me in. I live here too."

Soda and Dallas are soon blabbing and trying to get us to open the front door. They almost look confused. Steve glares angrily and Soda pouts at him.

"Cheaters aren't welcome in this house."

Steve says after a few minutes and both Dallas and Sodas jaws drop. They look shocked and totally confused.

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Hey Pony this isn't funny so just open up."

Steve starts to get even more pissed and he moves me out of the way. He flings open the door and walks outside. With one huge shove he puts Soda to the ground and Dallas is left staring at me with clear blue confused eyes.

"What isn't funny is waking up to my boyfriend on top of his little brothers best friend! His best friend who you damn well know he has feelings for you fucking cheat."

"What the fuck are you talking about Steve!? I didn't do nothing! I don't even remember what time we went to bed..."

Dallas looks a little more shocked and his eyes become pleading. He looks at me and bites his lip hard as he tries to step into my house. I block him and shake my head as tears start to flow a little.

"Ponyboy...I don't remember anything after we ate pizza... honestly. We were drinking tequila. I don't have a clue what happened."

"You're a fucking adult. You know what you're doing. You both knew what you were doing!"

Steve looks at me as he leans over Soda on the ground and we both wear the same hurt expressions. He steps back up by my side and we stand together as we glare at the two of them. Soda pipes up again.

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