My story

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5 year old Kanae's pov 

I grinned taking out the crackers I got and putting it over a fire to give it a nice toast for some gorgonzola cheese. Ahh the chef has such loose locks he should fix them soon.

"OIII BRAT!!" My eyes widened hearing the door slam open making it blow the fire I yanked my things before he can catch me and ran off.

"FUCK YOU DIABETIC SHIT HEAD!!" I yelled pulling out my tongue making him angrier.

"I SWEAR WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU I WILL BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU!!" He yelled back making me laugh only to knock myself to someone tumbling myself over.

"HEY!! Watch it-"

"GOT YOU!" The shop owner grabbed me by my hair making me flail around.

"Ahh Monsieur Luecien, it seems you have found my niece" the two of us just looked at him confused...who the fuck is this tart? The fuck

"...are you sure?" He asked making the man slap his hand and pulled me next to him.

"You know if you keep up that nasty attitude of yours I might rethink our contract..." the man taunted making a scene which made the chef flinched bowing down.

"S-Sorry, Jabami-san for mistreating your niece" I looked up seeing him smiled patting the chef's shoulder, "that's better come along...Kanae" he said gesturing me to walk with him.

I hesitantly walked with him getting ready to sprint in any time he would let his guard down.

"You know people usually say thank you after being helped out, I even had to lie. Especially being wanted by an orphanage and all~ aren't I kind~" he smiled at me making me growl inching away from him so he knows I'm a stray here...

"What are you going to send me back or something?!" I snapped when all a sudden he gave me his scarf wrapping it around my neck and giving me a hat.

"Not really, I heard there was a special kid there who never ate because food there was 'inedible'  and would starved herself rather than eating it. " he sighed with a smile making my eye twitch ripping the hat from my head and glaring at him.


"My point is I want to adopt you~"

"...did my screaming made you delusional...?"

"Hey now that's rude, I'm serious here."

"You also know I've ran away from 46 different foster homes...?"

"Mhm, last I heard from them it's 47"

"And that whoever gave birth to me decided to give me up because I was too hard to handle as a child??"

"Yes, yes I know such basic information. I've done my research you know, and I decided to make you as an apprentice" he said while showing adoption papers while I continue staring at him with pure disbelief.

"....are you really sure about this ?" I gave him my last warning, he crouched down to my height with a warm smile.

"Nope, I can see potential when it's in front of me. So I'll take that chance. Ah right where are my manners I'm Hiroe, What's your name"

"I don't have one..."

"Then how about Kanae? Kanae means fragrant seedling. I heard you have a good nose hm?"

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